By Nvironment
Every few days, and there seems to be no cadence to it, my SKP Plugin throws the error:

"Unable to obtain license for MXS export. Please open Maxwell Render, validate your license, and restart Sketchup"

Typically I have reinstall plugin or reactivate Maxwell Render to get back to normal. Is there a fix for this?
By JDHill
The plugin is a client of the licensing system, so I can't help very much, and would recommend asking the question in the main forum. That said, I think the first question would concern which type of license are you using. Intermittent behavior would suggest it to be a floating license, since it doesn't make much sense for that to happen with a node-locked license, which is contained directly in a file on the local machine. And if it is a floating license, then the license server is involved, which would lead to the question of whether it is running on the local machine, or another machine in the network, and whether firewalls have been configured to allow communication. You can find some information on this on the licensing troubleshooting page in the documentation, as well as on some of the other licensing related pages (e.g. here and here).

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