Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
I poo-poo a lot of stuff, but this caught my eye. I'm familiar with the ink they're coating the substrate with, don't know that I've seen anyone apply it so "simply". I (probably like most of you) have a ton of note/sketch books lying around the house but I never want to use them because it's a "waste of paper" (stupid, I know). I try and do as much as I can on the computer, but when inspiration strikes at 2:00 am in bed, getting up to do something about it sucks. Most of the time I look at what I put on paper and wind up erasing it... Check this out:

I'm going to get on the list and try it. Even if they are Canadian... :lol:

what about gpu maxwell q project?

SS Pinto Bean

Hi Tommy, Great stuff - love it~! Thanks for pos[…]

Never No More Studio Lighting

Hello Mark! Very good tips about the camera setti[…]