Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
By adamwade
I am using a hole pattern weight map and a second clear ghost BSDF layer so I can use a higher ND value on the main material layer.

However, I would like the main material to be a 2 layer BSDF with its own weight map (like when using metallic paint), then finally using the hole pattern weight map on the whole material. Does this make sense?

In other words: I want to create a speaker mesh pattern with metallic paint (which needs ot own weight maps for texture)

Is there a way to do this - like grouping BSDF layers maybe ? :?:
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By michaelplogue
Not yet, though this is something that has been requested by many users. A sort of hierarchal material system.

I'm not sure if you can combine clipmapping with the weight mapping system or not (I'm not at at computer with MR installed).

I'm thinking you may have to create a special weight map for that - which should be relatively easy in Photoshop - though you'd need to make three separate ones. (one for the ghost layer, and one for each of your materials).

I'll play around with this when I get home tonight - you've gotten me curious
8) :wink:
By adamwade
Thanks for the info. Combining a texure and my hole pattern sounds interesting, but maybe would result in little micro texture holes or something. ANyway food for thought, but now I understand what everyone else was complaining about.

Thanks !
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By hdesbois
Actually, if I understand it right, it's quite possible. But you have to design a separate map for each layer. I guess the fastest way to do it is to design all the maps you need as if they weren't clipped, and the punch the holes by pasting the grid pattern on them all. Then add a maximum transmittance nd1 layer with your hole texture (inverted). But I agree that a texture slot at material level (not layer) for clip maps could make sense.
By adamwade
It may be possible, but then when I want different hole sizes or paterns I would have to change the scale of the texture weight map around the holes each time in Photoshop. I still question how the clear ND1 layer stays contained in the hole pattern when the weight maps have little specs all around the holes? The weight map would like a clipmap with white noise added to it or something like that.
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By michaelplogue
Here's what I came up with using the Ghost layer method. I've created three layer masks as shown below. I've set them up set up so you do not have to invert any of them, and can see better how each is used. Just keep this in the back of your mind - Regardless what layer you are working with, Black is the transparent part.

Just remember: Your ghost layer needs to have an ND of 1, and it's transmittance set to pure white.

Ghost layer weight Map

Metal Layer Weight Map

Rust Layer Weight Map

Resulting texture
By adamwade
Wow, I thought having the black texture run into the hole pattern would somehow "leak" unwanted color into the ghost layer.

Thanks for the samples. :D

It would still be nice to just grab any material and apply a clipmap to the hole thing, rather than repainting all the maps.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?