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By egmehl
If you are using Max 2016 and the new physical camera they added in that version, you can use the vertical shift parameter found under perspective control to preview it in the viewport. Unfortunately you can only preview it that way - you have to set vertical shift (from the perspective control rollout) back to 0 and then copy that value into the y offset of Maxwell camera parameters for it to look right in the render.

Hopefully the exporter can be updated to read the y offset directly from the physical camera properties?
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By stir
Thanks for the help.
But we are using max 2015, I should have stated that.

The preview is not the most important right now. Its more that I am looking for a corresponding feature innside maxwell camera, that does the same as the correction modifier.

I see you mentioned a "y offsett"

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By stir
doesn't seem to work the same way.
or maybe i am doing it wrong. It is the Y-offsett under shift lens we are talking about right?

Here is some refs.

This is what the modifier does:


This is what the shiftlens does:



it seems like the shiftlens just rotates the camera? is that correct?
the goal here is that we are doing some production shots with some strange perspective. so we have unrealistic lenses for this. something that distort or atleast skews the verticle lines on the boxes.
the client THEN wants to have straight vertical lines on the box we are shooting. And photoshop lens correction was a no no.......

Best regards
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By egmehl
Yeah, it does work slightly differently, but can achieve the same effect in the end (straight vertical lines). I don't know the details of how it is implemented but it's conceptually the same as just shifting the camera film plane from the lens. It's the same effect as rendering the image taller than you want and then cropping out the top or bottom.

The key is to keep the camera level and then adjust the y-offset to see more at the top or bottom. Leave the perspective correction off completely. You can preview the final results using Fire or just render tests. I wrote a Maxscript for a rough preview a while ago and it's on the forum here, but honestly it's more trouble than it's worth with Fire available now (in my opinion).
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