Everything related to the integration for Modo.
By Marton Day8
Changes/Improvements in version 3.0001
- Added: extension presets (no image import yet)

Bugs/Bug fixes in version 3.0001
FIXED: Crashes during the FIRE session
FIXED: Random crashes at FIRE start
FIXED: ShaderTree Stencil map effect has inverted result.
FIXED: MXM shader tree item can crash modo in case the displayed texture file is in greyscale color format.
FIXED: FIRE stops or modo crashes after changing modo light visibility.
FIXED: Exporter doesn't create/copy the environment or other texture files during animation export.
By Marton Day8
IMPORTANT: in case you use the Global scale scene option, please report if something doesn't work normally!

Changes/Improvements in version 3.0001
- Changed: Render parameter "Global scale" doesn't scale the geometry vertices, but it scales the main object transform.
- Changed: "R2" tag has been removed from the plugin name.
- Added: extension presets (no image import yet)

Bugs/Bug fixes in version 3.0001
FIXED: Menu commands: "Maxwell Manual..." and "Plugin Manual..." don't work
FIXED: Directional light sun rotation (north) value is set to 0 when opened in Studio.
FIXED: Crashes during the FIRE session
FIXED: Random crashes at FIRE start
FIXED: ShaderTree Stencil map effect has inverted result.
FIXED: MXM shader tree item can crash modo in case the displayed texture file is in greyscale color format.
FIXED: FIRE stops or modo crashes after changing modo light visibility.
FIXED: Exporter doesn't create/copy the environment or other texture files during animation export.
By photomg1
Thanks Marton!

Seems a very solid update from what I've tested so far.Not sure why (could be a placebo effect :D ) but fire and exporting seems much snappier.
By Marton Day8
Changes/Improvements in version 3.0100

- Old modo scene files with aperture and/or obstacle map setting:
modo will search for the files at file load, because it won't find them with the old settings.
Please select the files again in the file open dialog and re-save the scene.
- Old scene files with custom export dir:
Maxwell Render item setting "Export Directory" will be invalid, please browse for the custom directory again.
(Otherwise it will use the default export directory.)

- Improved: Missing files handling - in case modo can't find file path defined for Maxwell Extension item, it will offer a file open dialog at scene load.
- Improved: Missing files handling - in case modo can't find the referenced MXS file at scene open, it will offer a file open dialog at scene load.
- Improved: Missing files handling - in case modo can't find (Maxwell Render parameter) Aperture or Obstacle map at scene open, it will offer a file open dialog at scene load.
- Changed: modo viewport display limitation (Maxwell Extension objects): limitation has been removed for Learning Edition users.

- Changed: Render parameter "Global scale" doesn't scale the geometry vertices, but it scales the main object transform.
- Changed: "R2" tag has been removed from the plugin name.
- Added: extension presets (no image file import yet)

Bugs/Bug fixes in version 3.0100
FIXED: Menu commands: "Maxwell Manual..." and "Plugin Manual..." don't work
FIXED: Directional light sun rotation (north) value is set to 0 when opened in Studio.
FIXED: Crashes during the FIRE session
FIXED: Random crashes at FIRE start
FIXED: ShaderTree Stencil map effect has inverted result.
FIXED: MXM shader tree item can crash modo in case the displayed texture file is in grey scale color format.
FIXED: FIRE stops or modo crashes after changing modo light visibility.
FIXED: Exporter doesn't create/copy the environment or other texture files during animation export.
By gwronkowski
I tried to install it for Modo 801 - it is no support, any dirty hack to make it working with new Modo ?
By Marton Day8
Changes/Improvements in version 3.0200

- Added: Support for modo 801
- Improved: plugin reads the environment items in correct layer order (it was not always the case in case the modo environment items were reordered by user)
- Improved: Add Environment button adds the new Maxwell Environment item always to the TOP environment item.
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By talos72
If I already have installed older pluging for Modo 701, do I need to uninstall it before installing latest plugin version for Modo 801? Can I just install the latest plugin version and have it be available for both Modo versions 701 and 801? There are still legacy stuff that prevents me from un-installing Modo 701 so I am running it concurrently with 801. Does the latest version of Plugin available to me in my gateway account (the one released on April 15) officially support Modo 801?


PS. I tried to install plugin version 3.0100 available at my gateway account but when I run the installer I don't see Modo 801 as an option in the installer drop down menu. Just older Modos are listed....anyway to install in Modo 801?
By Marton Day8
Changes/Improvements in version 3.0200
- Added: Support for modo 801
- Improved: plugin reads the environment items in correct layer order (it was not always the case in case the modo environment items were reordered by user)
- Improved: Add Environment button adds the new Maxwell Environment item always to the TOP environment item.

Bugs/Bug fixes in version 3.0200
FIXED: (beta 1 bug) can't read environment under modo 501/601

for Talos:
In case you install the beta plugin it overwrites the stable version. But you can use this beta for 701 too (it is more or less the same code what we have in the released version), beta status is because of the 801 version which needs more testing before release.

By Marton Day8
new version: Maxwell plugin for Modo 3.0200 beta3 on Early Builds page

Changes/Improvements in version 3.0200
- Imporved: Environment intensity has effect on Maxwell intensity (on all environment types + also on sun power)
- Improved: modo Lights dissolve channel has effect on the exported radiance strength.
- Added: MXM material flag "Embed into Scene" (mxm material is normally embedded into the scene but you can choose now to only reference it).
- Added: Plugin version checking at ArchiCad program start. The plugin informs the user about new version.
- Added: New pluginPreference > Workflow parameter: "Check for Plugin updates at program start"
- Changed: Intensity control was removed from the Maxwell plugin Properties Environment tab.
- Added: new Environment Intensity Multiplier (so it is possible to adjust the Maxwell environment intensity without altering the modo intensity)
- Changed: Default FIRE preview displacement maximum is now 0 (to make faster previews)
- Added: Support for modo 801
- Improved: plugin reads the environment items in correct layer order (it was not always the case in case the modo environment items were reordered by user)
- Improved: Add Environment button adds the new Maxwell Environment item always to the TOP environment item.

Bugs/Bug fixes in version 3.0200
FIXED: FIRE doesn't update correctly after Directional Light "Light Source Offset" channel change.
FIXED: Better stability under FIRE (especially after deleting items).
FIXED: FIRE crashes if modo render item doesn't have the Maxwell package.
FIXED: (modo 801) moving item in FIRE mode crashes modo.
FIXED: Texure on Luminous Color channel can crash modo if FIRE runs.
FIXED: (beta 1 bug) can't read environment under modo 501/601
FIXED: modo crashes after trying to import (solidworks, obj) files. (Files without time line settings.)

By toby28
Maxwell plugin for MODO version 3.0200 now public (compatible with MODO 801).

You can find the full release notes in the support center here.

Maxwell Render V3 license holders: You can download the updated plugins now from the customer gateway.

If you haven't purchased V3, try the V3 demo.
By Marton Day8
The plugin version for Maxwell 3.1 is available on the Early build site.

3.1000 beta1
Changes/Improvements in version 3.1000
- Changed: It needs Maxwell 3.1
- Added: FIRE option parameters "Floating Features"
- Removed: spotLight parameter "Segments" (it is obsolete with the new spotLight)
- Added: spotLight parameter "Blur"
- Added: spotLight parameter "Falloff Type"
- Improved: spotLights can have projected texture
- Improved: spotLight export changed. From now it uses the new Maxwell spotLight emitter options
- Changed: default render Time limit is 5 minutes now.
- Changed: default render SL limit is 12 now.
- Improved: compatibility with Substance 2 textures
- Added: camera response presets to camera item.
- Added: object parameter "Hidden from Camera in Shadow pass"
- Changed: Devignetting parameter can have minus value
- Added: new render parameters "White Point" and "Tint"
- Added: new License Status button on the plugin panel (at the top right corner). Clicking on this button you can change the status of your license - (activate or release).
- Changed: Plugin doesn't check plugin license status at modo start, but only if it needs it (for example exporting mxs or starting FIRE). So until Maxwell is not used it doesn't occupy the floating license.
- Improved: plugin can remember not to open the new version window if it was set by the user
- Improved: Shader Mask "Scope" parameter can separate surface from fur
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