By crcgrp
I've been having an issue where a material inside a component will go to black on some of the instances, and some not.

The image makes more sense probably. All of the windows are the same component. When copied over, some of the white part goes to black. If I copy more, and hit Fire, then the components that go to black change, ie, some that showed black now look correct, and others change to showing black.

If I explode the components, they render fine.

By JDHill
I don't think it's a material problem, there is an issue that is occasionally reported, where perfectly axis-aligned geometry randomly renders like this, if instances are involved. Could you please try rotating your model by even a degree, and see if it still occurs? Also please make sure you are using the current plugin version, since at least one of my test cases for this recently stopped showing the behavior.
By crcgrp
There's no difference if I rotate the model. It carries through to Studio as well.

I am on 2.7.5. I will check with our IT dept. and see if we can upgrade.
By JDHill
If it is only for this issue, please make sure to check it with the demo first. Also, if you would be willing to send me the model (jeremy at nextlimit dotcom, or dropbox/similar), I would like to take a look at it.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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