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By Rafal SLEK
Marton Day8 wrote:Please check the Early Build page

Great news.
New functionality (automatic name for render) will be very helpful.
Is it possible (technically) to synchronise somehow C4D surface definitions with MR inside ArchiCAD18?
By Marton Day8
Is it possible (technically) to synchronise somehow C4D surface definitions with MR inside ArchiCAD18?
To synchronise images defined for C4D surfaces is probably possible (I am not totally sure yet, but I will check the possibilities), but many materials are defined with procedural textures, and that is not possible to export.

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By Rafal SLEK
Cinerender inside AC 18 is de facto C4D rendering engine. Experience from Maxwell for Cinema 4D should be helpful here.
For Cinerender/Internal Engine we have option for matching definitions:

Chocolate test with SSS

Take a bite - Lindt or Cailler, the key decision-m[…]