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By zoet
I can not get any materials accept the ones that originally came with Maxwell to work. If I just change the name of a material in the computers explorer, is works just fine. But as soon as I open the material in the material editor and re-save it, even without making any changes (with the same or a different name), I can not choose it from within ArchiCad anymore (I have tried restarting the program and computer). The same problem occurs when I download a material from the web gallery, it exists in the explorer and can be opened/edited in the mxm editor but ArchiCad does not find it..

I have also tried clicking "create new mxm material" from within Archicad, I then get to create an mxm which's path gets saved as to a working material. But when I render the scene anything assigned to that material show up as just gaps as though there was no object there at all. When I try to browse for the material to reload it, it's just not there as with all other non-original materials.

What could be wrong? Do I need to reload the mxm library to ArchiCad somehow? Or could there be an error occurring while saving in the mxm editor?

I am using ArchiCad 17 with Maxwell 3, on a Mac.
By Marton Day8

How is it exactly?

step a) You open the ArchiCAD material editor.
step b) Than you change it to use engine Maxwell Render
step c) You activate "use mxm"
step d) You open the material file browser
question-> When you open the file browser you don't see the mxm file? Or you see the file, but you can not select it? Or you can select it but the object is not exported with it?

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By zoet
Marton Day8 wrote:Hello,

How is it exactly?

step a) You open the ArchiCAD material editor.
step b) Than you change it to use engine Maxwell Render
step c) You activate "use mxm"
step d) You open the material file browser
question-> When you open the file browser you don't see the mxm file? Or you see the file, but you can not select it? Or you can select it but the object is not exported with it?

I don't see the mxm file.

I only see the mxm files that I have not edited/added since installing Maxwell.
By Marton Day8
Hello Zoet,

The material browser shows every file with mxm extension, but no other type of files.

Are these files with correct mxm extensions?

There is a newer beta version of the plugin what you can download here:

I have fixed some problems in this beta maybe it can help.

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By zoet
All files are mxm, I can open them in the material editor. For some of them I have tried to just open a material that came with Maxwell (and worked in ArchiCad) in the material editor and then save it to the same location with the same filename, without making any changes in the editor. Then ArchiCad can not find the material anymore (also after restarting ArchiCad).
By Marton Day8
I have never seen/experienced this problem before. I don't think it will fix it, but please try with the new beta plugin.

Could you send me maybe screenshots where I can see what is happening? (Clicking on the mat browser, inside mat browser, and maybe in Finder about your folder where the files are)

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By Rafal SLEK
I had same problem but it works for me now with new Beta plugin on MacOS and Windows.
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By zoet
I will try again with the beta plug-in tomorrow when I have acces to all the files, hope it will work then :) otherwise I will make some new screen-shots. The screenshot I sent of the trees shows what happends in a fire-render versus what is seen in ArchiCad with a wall material as well, it's same when making a "real" render.
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By zoet
The beta-plugin does solve the problem now when I got it properly installed, Thanks! Pretty cool that Fire updates within ArchiCad as soon as I re-save materials in the mxm editor :)
Last edited by zoet on Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Rafal SLEK
zoet wrote:... Pretty cool that Fire updates within ArchiCad as soon as I re-save materials in the mxm editor :)
Like that new functionality too :-)
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