By Arquiz
Hello, I have decided to participate in the competition. Already have an idea and I am almost done. Good luck to everybody. :D
By Arquiz
I have a question, is the wire frame screenshot a transparent wireframe or is it the normal view (shaded with textures)?
By Arquiz
I just uploaded my submittal. The thumbnails I see as received don't show the complete image submitted. I would like to check that the complete image has been received and there is no problem with the format.
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By Gis
Hi Arquiz,

I need to chek your name. Thanks!
Arquiz wrote:Hello, I have decided to participate in the competition. Already have an idea and I am almost done. Good luck to everybody. :D
By Arquiz
Gis wrote:Hi Arquiz,

I need to chek your name. Thanks!
Arquiz wrote:Hello, I have decided to participate in the competition. Already have an idea and I am almost done. Good luck to everybody. :D
My name is Marcos Ortiz
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