By RichG
Does anybody know how to get Xpresso to access the Z-buffer distance settings in the Maxwell Scene file? Just had another situation where I moved my camera and forgot to re-calculate the min & max Z-buffer distances again before rendering. So I decided to exercise my feeble Xpresso skills and try to set up a system where I could have 2 nulls in the scene defining the start and end of the Z-buffer which would automatically update the scene file when the camera moves. Unfortunately I have hit a wall now as the node for the scene file allows a z-buffer input but I can't go deeper to the numerical boxes. My tree can be seen here, the node: Scene HDR 1 is the Maxwell scene file:
By JDHill
Here's the problem: the near/far values are not given string names, and this is making them inaccessible to xpresso. To get around it, you can go into your plugin folder, to res/strings_us/description/Omxsceneobject.str, and insert the following entries into the string table:
Code: Select all
Just to be sure, the structure of the file will now be:
Code: Select all
STRINGTABLE Omxsceneobject
    Omxsceneobject "Maxwell Scene Object";


   // lots of other param names follow...
After doing so, you should find there are now "Near" and "Far" ports available under Scene Object > Output > Render Channels (also visible in the AM). As long as you make sure "Camera Dependent" is enabled in the xpresso tag, it should now work as you intended.
By JDHill
Yes, I can do that, I will just have to do some fussing with the layout, since as you may notice, with the near/far strings, the whole Scene Manager UI gets wider, forcing a horizontal scrollbar at widths where it did not otherwise have one.
By RichG
Hi Eric

Not sure if you're just pulling my leg there but I'll assume not! It's useful for post processing. I usually use it for adjusting the focus in post or adding colour correction based on distance i.e. atmospheric haze etc but yes, it could create fog too.

In this case I had rendered a huge 35000 pixel wide image looking across a plane of grass but decided I wanted a much wider angle. So I dollied in a lot and made the fov much wider but forgot to adjust the distances on my Z-buffer which now started way beyond where I needed it to end. With this method I know that wherever my camera is positioned, the Z-buffer always begins at the start of the grass plane and finishes at the end. I always found that z-buffer dialogue a bit hard to work with, needing lots of tests to get it just so, and thought "if only I could just put a null where I want it to start and finish". So that's what that Xpresso does now.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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