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Should we remove material snapshots?

I don't care, never use it
I use it occasionally, but wouldn't mind if it's removed
I use it occasionally, but I would prefer to keep it
I use it often, don't remove it!
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By Mihai
Hello everyone,

We would like your input on a decision we have to make for V3 regarding one feature of the material editor - the snapshot functionality which allows you to store current material settings and move through them using those little arrows. We are considering removing this to simplify the UI.

Please respond to this poll so we have a better idea if we should remove this, or keep it after all.

itsallgoode9 wrote:no option for "didn't know it existed"?
i voted for "i don't care" because i never really used it, or because i forgot about it...
But now that i'm aware of it and see how it works, it's pretty cool!
Now i would like to change my vote to "don't remove it!" :mrgreen:

Maybe there could be a "save" and "remove" button beside the arrow keys, so that you don't have to search the menu to find these options.
I think then this option would be much more popular.
Last edited by numerobis on Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i don't think it is very representative if people who weren't aware of it vote to get rid of it..
during material setup this is an extremely helpful tool.

i get the motivation behind simplifying the UI, but couldn't there be an "expert mode" which reveals otherwise hidden advanced features?
The Maxwell material editor compared to most equivalents in its class looks very tidy.
Whenever I struggle with a material not looking the way I want it certainly has other reasons than visible GUI items getting into the way.
What makes material creation complex is understanding physical materials and the renderers interpretation in interaction with mapping images.
Not this little helpful control...
which I unfortunately too often forget clicking before messing things up. To me that's searching at the wrong end.
Mihai wrote:Hello everyone,

We would like your input on a decision we have to make for V3 regarding one feature of the material editor - the snapshot functionality which allows you to store current material settings and move through them using those little arrows. We are considering removing this to simplify the UI.

Please respond to this poll so we have a better idea if we should remove this, or keep it after all.

Hi Mihai!

On the contrary, would like to see this feature expanded. Please add console switches to mxed.exe like
Code: Select all
Removes all snapshots if any.

Appends current preview render to snapshot
If you just want to remove the arrows for UI screen space you can do so. Just make arrow visible on top of the preview image while hovering on either left or right side of the image.

Thank you
I didn´t knew it existed, but now that i know I think it is a good tool, and i will use it!
So, I voted option 3.

But if you are going to change the material editor User Interface, there are things to improve:

In general terms It is so complex, that it helps the user to get confused. For me it is a Pain! Definitely the weakest point in Maxwell Render. Specially in complex materials, it happens to me that i know what i want, but cannot succeed achieving it in Maxwell. It takes lots of errors / corrections through slow rendering process, that finnally ends with my available deadline, and proceed rendering with any material that was not the intended.
It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to understand a material with a single sight. It is necesary to look at all the layers see the masks and the opacity to have an idea of how it is working, and then the worse thing is editing it!! For instance I had a material which was a mix between plastic and metal, and i wanted to make it darker, I had to edit 5 diferent layers and it was not what i wanted! What is frustrating is that I knew that i wanted it darker, but it was impossible to do so, and keeping all the other caracteristics fixed. Each time you touch something, it changes all, which is starting again from scratch!
I have lots of materials in my library like this: pool water 001, pool water 001 pool water 003 pool water 004 pool water 005 and on and on, and could never decide which is the right one.

I would LOVE some simple slider LIGHTER / DARKER, or REFLECTIVE / MATTE, TRANSPARENT / OPAQUE which shouldn´t change the way maxwell works, but only how the user interacts with maxwell. I find that the way it works now is phisically correct, but those values do not tell the user anything in terms of THE LOOK. I feel that I have to TRANSLATE all the time those complex values to UNDERSTANDABLE terms but cannot succeeed because they are not lineal, but complex equations.

The way most users try to make this more prediictable is creating new layers. Then in one layer you have a REFLECTIVE material, and in the other a MATE material, and then mixing them 50% and 50% you could get a MEDIUM REFLECTIVE material, but each time you do so, it gets more complex and if you need it darker or lighter you are forced to edit two layers or create two more with two materials so that you could mix them 50% and 50% to get a medium gray, but if you need to change the colour now you have to edit 4 layers and on and on....
In my opinion this is INSANE!

If we could have a simple slider from 0 to 100 for instance for REFLECTIVITY, I will know that in 50 it will be half reflective. That would be simply UNDERSTANDABLE

If I were you (Next Limit Team) would use a more simple traditional interface. Inside the software, you could still have all the complexity that real phiscs require, but the user needs to know HOW WOULD IT LOOK with each parameter change.

In my opinion a user interface has to be easy to understand, if not it is not a good user interface, but an obstacle to overcome to get a good rendering.

I do not mean loosing what we have now, but create a User Interface Mask that would easy to handle and a preedictable behaviour.

Last edited by Ernesto on Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I kew of this feature, by this post, and as soon as I could, I opened the Material editor to experience it, but cannot find where is the snapshot feature nor how to use it... Could you please explain this? thanks!

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