Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
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By jurX
New picture!

cu jurX
By kami
great image, especially the composition with the dof!
the only thing bugging me is the wood on the ceiling. from the texture it looks like rough wood, but has a too glossy finish for that imho.
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By jurX
thX dude!This are surface finished wood arbours,....its no problem to get this if you know a good carpenter.But this is really expensive.
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By jurX
Hi all!New pic on the first page!Hope you all like it..... ;)

cu jurX
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By jurX
thX dude!
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By djflod
still don't like the wood (i know it has to look like that) ... but the rendering is great !
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By jurX
It's purely a matter of taste.;) thx for the comment!

cu jurX
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By jurX
Next and last picture of this scene.Hope you all like it! ;)

cu jurX
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By jurX
New Renderings first page!This is a Furniture-Design-Concept I did for a client. (dentist)
More pix coming soon.Hope you all like it.

cu jurX
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By jurX
Hi all!
New Visualizations I did for the Reiter Betten company.
There was not much time but I think the result is ok.

Hope you all like it. :)

cu jurX
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By jurX
Hi all!

Since my webspace-provider was hacked I have to reorganise my forum-posts.
In the meantime here is the first final-view of my Security-System-Product-Design-Project incl. Clayrendering.
Final there will be a composition with 6 Views from different angles.

Hope you all like it.

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By jurX
Hey...thats concrete and it´s a really big gun! ;)
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By jurX
after my webspace-provider was hacked, the pix are online again...;)

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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