Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
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By NicoR44
Hi Jason,

Looking great every time!
When I saw this last one (right hand and arm) it made me think about the Storm strips/cartoon
It would be great if you could work out one like that (I'm a hughe fan of Storm)

The origional Storm strips where drawn by Don Lawrence, but he pasted away years ago, but now Storm is back drawn by Romano Molenaar, and Jorg de Vos.
Romano made me a drawing in their first new album, this one (it's a scan from my album) I asked him to draw it like this, and he did!! :-) :

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By dd_
got a new bit of kit today so more 2D stuff on the way ( wacom 24" HD Cintiq) Image
yes i do need to change my 3D scene now lol

oh and here is a sketch in my notebook
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By tom
Bubbaloo wrote:Nice one, Tom!
Thanks, Brian :) Seriously, it's the first and probably the last portrait I've attempted to draw in my life. It was very hard for me to post it here among all those masterpieces but well, this is the best I can do!
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By dd_
wip portrait I am currently doing for my sister in law

the sister in law in question on her own ( no no not really just incase she uses maxwell lol)
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