Right now the Team that develops Sketchup is taking suggestions and votes to guide what it is that users actually want -- to that end I have 2 items I have suggested that I think would help Maxwell users really get more out of Sketchup that I would like you to vote for:

The first is something that would hopefully allow us to see a representation of our IBL settings by allowing Sketchup to display background/sky textures as part of styles -- please vote for this if you think you would like that functionality:


Second, I think it would really benefit Maxwell users to have more control over UV's directly in Sketchup -- please vote for this if you think you would like that functionality:


I know other people have submitted their ideas for this and I would love to see a list of links that we Maxwell users can vote on that will have a positive effect on Sketchup Pro for the Maxwell plugin.

Yeah a subdivider would be really handy, I know there is an option in the indigo plugin to auto subdivide option that can be set per object for just this reason! I must say I do like the option to do this on export so that the geometry if needed to be edited isn't stuffed!

God I added about 30 wishes to the list myself!
Actually I must say, it absolutely amazes me and I find this during beta testing too! That people actually vote ideas down!

I once asked in testing for the option elect on a user basis per material to have textures NON scaling, meaning as you scale say a cube along an axis the texture doesn't scale. This would be ideal when working with textures that represent a standard building material unit (eg brick). You really don't in that case want the map to scale with the geometry. I was then amazed how many people suggested "NO I DONT WANT THAT!". Man did I get pissed - "WHY NOT?", and why would it make any difference to them when I'm just asking for a user elected option. If you don't want it don't check the box!

I'd almost love a feature that if you ever voted "NO" to something SU knows and if you ever try to use the option it responds with "Sorry this option is NOT available to you!".

Look I understand if someone asks for a change to functionality - yep say what you like to support your existing workflow but if someone is asking for additional functionality, how does this effect you? Really? This would be like say JD's implementaion of the ground plane, it's a OPTION, one can simply ellect NOT to use it if they choose, it's not bloody mandatory!

God I'm on my soap box now! I saw a few requests for things like gradient fills in LO that got almost as many NO's and YES's - WTF!

Rant Rant Rant!
I got a bunch of NO's as well -- I believe it is either because they don't want to see them working on Pro only features because they have no intention of using Pro or they have seen an option somebody else posted elsewhere which may be similar and they like better.

There are ALOT of similar posts -- you and I overlapped alot on Layout options but we used different words to mean the same thing... hopefully the developers will take that into account when the tally the votes and add them together.

I myself voted down alot of stuff that people requested that had either already been answered repeatedly (and so was a dead horse) or already existed in Sketchup and the poster just didn't know how to do it.

Last edited by Half Life on Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
yes, i thought the same as i saw the second vote option and that there are people who use it... maybe because they don't understand the wish and they think that they don't need what they don't understand... for google earth :roll:

Thanks Jason for posting the link :wink:
Half Life wrote:I myself voted down alot of stuff that people requested that had either already been answered repeatedly (and so was a dead horse) or already existed in Sketchup and the poster just didn't know how to do it.
I think the googies need that dead horse approach sometimes! Often it just doesn't seem to sink in!
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?