By messire
I'm on mac, and would like to know the easiest way to create the nicest looking trees ( i need basically 3 different trees for most of the cases)...
I'm particulary looking for a Platanus hispanica or acerifolia; betula pendula, and Aesculus hippocastanum

My idea is to set for once a good trunk and leaves textures, and use instances (proxys) in SU.

How are you guys dealing with it so it works in SU>MR!
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By Richard
Mate unless you use clipped trees there is no way to by pass studio by using proxy trees in SU! Any good tree that you could use for maxwell will cause SU to stall and likely not return when just bringing it in the first time.

The problem here is that maxwell will do such a good job of pointing out a bad lower poly tree that anything that can be loaded to SU will look crap! :)

Not sure onyx is available for the mac but it is the Bomb and you won't be limited to two or three trees!
By fv
I use clipped photoshop trees in SU and high polygon trees in Studio.
If you need a lot of trees the best is still to edit your images in Photoshop adding trees there.
If you need trees in the foreground giving shade and dimmed light for me the Evermotion trees imported into Studio work well. I just clone them around in the mxs model as instances. But this is only workable for a dozen trees or so. I think the evermotion trees are about 100 to 300 Mb per tree. In SU its not possible, not even one. Thats why I don't use Vray for Sketchup after a few tries. Useless application if you want photorrealism.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?