All posts relating to Maxwell Render 1.x
By giacc
Hi everybody,

I am seting up a scene lit by an emitter material that includes an MXI, but I just cannot make it bright enough. How can I crank up the intensity on a MXI based material?
I know this must be a begginnner's issue, but I have not used Maxwell for a while, and I just can't figure it out. Attached is a picture of 3 materials. All three are emitters and all look dull.
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By Tim Ellis
Reopen the MXI in MXCL and up the intensity. Resave the MXI from the file menu and reload into your MXM.

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By caryjames
Are you using the sliders in multilight for the emitters?
If so you can adjust past the end of the slider value by typing in 5000 or 10 000 as the value for the emitter.
Other than that you will have to adjust the brightness and resave the mxi or you could do it in photoshop or gimp.
By giacc
Thanks for the ultra-quick response!

I understand there are no controls for intensity. All depends upon the contrast on the image. But, is there no way to control how much light is emmited from the plane? when I apply the mxi -as it comes- the light intensity is very dim, and it won´t help if I turn it x1000 on the multilight settings post render. In a minute I am uploading a picture. Thanks for all your help.
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By Mihai
Remember also if you use Physical Sky it's going to be MUCH stronger than most artificial emitters you have in the scene, MXI or not. So if your camera is adjusted to proper exposure for daylight, your emitters will contribute almost nothing. If you solo out the MXI emitters you get a better idea of the lighting they contribute.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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