Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
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By Asmithey
Awesome images!!!!!!
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By Hervé
amazing incredible work.. top class... I love the Ghost lamps.. what a cool idea.. simple.. ultra efficient.. 8)
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By panos
Mattia Sullini wrote:Why did you remain hidden until now? :lol: Impressive collection!
You know(?) how it is. I'll do it tomorrow, then something comes up and leave the upload for later.... or for the weekend :roll:
Hervé wrote:amazing incredible work.. top class... I love the Ghost lamps.. what a cool idea.. simple.. ultra efficient.. 8)
:oops: Ideas belong to the art directors, sorry if we mislead you on this!! We just make them "real".
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By -Adrian
Tight tight.. YEAH!

How did i miss this thread.
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By mashium123
panos wrote:...Ideas belong to the art directors, sorry if we mislead you on this!! We just make them "real".
great art directions paired with adequate realizations... win-win for both parties... and for me, enjoying the results big time :D
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?