All posts relating to Maxwell Render 1.x

Which format do you prefer for tutorial videos?

DVD Video
DVD-Rom (Downloadable)
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By d7mcfc

Any u[dates on this?

I am always on a quest for knowledge!

Many thanks in advance

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By Tea_Bag
d7mcfc wrote:Mike

Any u[dates on this?

I am always on a quest for knowledge!

Many thanks in advance

I think you'll be seeing these with or after the release of V2.0
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By djflod
ok - you have one week :lol:
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By d7mcfc
djflod wrote:ok - you have one week :lol:
Starting from NOW! :wink:
By Silverblade-T-E
Downloadable Quicktimes would be great and so would .WMV format too ;)

Alas, much as I like what maxwell can do, I rarely use it bar model creation, as it can neither work with my main app as I'd hoped it would when I bought Maxwell in Alpha (I enjoy using Vue much more than Lightwave etc),
nor do I have the time to learn how to work Maxwell Studio properly (by my standards) while I'm learning several other apps at the same time and writing tutorials etc, as well as coping with RL! hehe.

I still haven't seen a good tutorial that gets me ot grips with Maxwell materials, alas. (That's a hint :lol: )

Tell you what would be nice, as I've seen in Vue and some other apps: direct linkage from the HELP menu in Maxwell, to tutorial videos or flash videos, set with an editable directory in prefferences. Now that would be sweet!
Say the help menu has 10 sub sets links, click on them to take you to appropriate video tutorials on that subject, rather than have to hunt for the tutorials.
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By osuire
I might be slightly off-topic here, but I wish that the user manual had links in the index :
when you click on a topic, it automatically opens the relevant PDF page.
I remember that it is the case in the user's manual of another unbiased render engine based in Madrid.
Just can't remember the name right now... Flyrender ? No... Errrr...Never mind.
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By LesliePere
Well, duh, not only that but bookmarks, too! I mean, assuming the manual is being done in InDesign, it's almost automatically can output the TOC as clickable links AND the bookmarks on the side, too. Provided whoever is doing it knows how to do it. That's why I can't understand how can someone create a PDF catalog or manual of any sort without these features.
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By osuire
LesliePere wrote:Well, duh, not only that but bookmarks, too! I mean, assuming the manual is being done in InDesign, it's almost automatically can output the TOC as clickable links AND the bookmarks on the side, too. Provided whoever is doing it knows how to do it. That's why I can't understand how can someone create a PDF catalog or manual of any sort without these features.
Yup ! Flyrender's manual has got the bookmarks too... :wink:
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