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By polynurb
Hi JD,

if I got things right, real scale mapping is made to work with channel 0,
now running the command "refreshShade" or "clearallmeshes" resets the texture to surface mapping and real scale is discarded until I swap back and forth between textures, then it displays right again.

When I assign an additional channel, and use eg. planar mapping it remembers the mapping after updating tesselation.

can you reproduce that?


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By polynurb
I also noted a similar problem with the other projectors...

lets say I have a an object with spherical mapping, when I move it the projector moves along but the mapping does not update.

ok... just figured out I need to use restoreViewportMaterials, fixes the mappings, also for realscale as described in my first posting.
..but depending on the scene/materials that can take a while to complete.
By JDHill
Hi polynurb,

Yes, some of this is expected (i.e. the need to use restore viewport after some operations), since the plugin is not aware of when some changes have been made in Rhino. It should pick up scale, rotate, move, render-mesh re-generation, etc., but there are some things you can do that it doesn't know about.



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