By andrebaros
I'm working from Revit to Max2009 Design to Maxwell 1.7.... and decided to try out real world map scaling... and I'm not getting materials. When I rescale everything back to old school UVW mapping everything is fine again. Scene scale checks our OK. In the same scene, anything mapped using real world scale for materials doesn't show bitmaps, anything using the old meathod works fine.

Is anyone else having this issue? Is this a Revit issue or a Maxwell issue, since we know that Max is perfect ;)
By Bogdan Coroi
If you could provide a test scene and/or an image showing the error, I'll be glad to help.
By andrebaros
Here is a test file and an example showing "Real World Map Size" vs UVM mapping. I didn't use a Revit file and I have the same problem. I made the changes to real world units in Max, not in the Maxwell Material Editor. ... RTgwTVE9PQ

download link is only good for 30 days.
By andrebaros
Any updates? Am I doing something wrong or is this a software issue.
By Bogdan Coroi
Sorry for the delay. It's a bug indeed and we'll try to fix it for the next update.
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By roch_fr
it looks like 1 meter in MXED is converted in 2,54 cm in 3DS.
By andrebaros
:shock: I figured it out. The real world values entered in the material are inverted when you render out to MXCL. If you enter a "real-world map size" of .003937in or 1/10mm you get a rendering of the map at about 40 ft. If you enter a "real-world map size" of .03937in or 1mm you get a map size of about 3in.

:mrgreen: It also seams to scale u,v,w by different amounts because at .01 I get my test pattern colored grid stretched one way, and at .001 it stretches the other way.

I hope this gets fixed because it pretty absurd right now, and there have been many updates since this was pointed out.
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