By Polyxo
I think my problem was, that I could not assign materials per layer using custom cursors. While all other cutom cursor operations work fine without cursor acceleration draging a material to a layer still fails.

Thanks Jeremy!
By JDHill
Hmm, that's certainly strange. Just fyi, since you may not easily notice it, I've hooked up the browse/edit/create buttons in the regular Rhino material pickers, so you can click on the 'material library' column in the layer manager, switch to 'Assign by plug-in', click browse, and pick from the materials currently in the scene.
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By valerio
Yes Jeremy,
excellent explanation

Thanks for immediate intervention

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By yugo
Hi maxwellians!

I get a strange problem with the blocks as instance (i did the trick explained): when i try to render the scene, all my instances disappear, and when remove the option they are appearing in the render, but it's too heavy for my job (i need to do a field of grass....).

Do you ever get a similar error?

Thanks everybody !
By JDHill
Hi Yugo,

If you export an MXS with the blocks-as-instances option enabled, then look in the plugin's Log Viewer window, does it show something similar to this?
Code: Select all
* line 45: WriteMxs, _info, rendering camera: Perspective
* line 46: WriteMxs, _notify, generating new MXS meshes, press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT to cancel
* line 47: Exporting blocks as instances (see Plugin Options)
* line 48: block transfer 10.0% completed (100 of 1000)
* line 49: block transfer 20.0% completed (200 of 1000)
* line 50: block transfer 30.0% completed (300 of 1000)
* line 51: block transfer 40.0% completed (400 of 1000)
* line 52: block transfer 50.0% completed (500 of 1000)
* line 53: block transfer 60.0% completed (600 of 1000)
* line 54: block transfer 70.0% completed (700 of 1000)
* line 55: block transfer 80.0% completed (800 of 1000)
* line 56: block transfer 90.0% completed (900 of 1000)
* line 57: block transfer 100.0% completed (1000 of 1000)
* line 58: ExportScene, _info, total export time: 00:00:00.2187500
* line 59: OnEndWriteMxs, _notify, ExportScene returned: True
* line 60: OnEndWriteMxs, _info, the .mxs was written to 'C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Maxwell for Rhino 4 (default output)\untitled.mxs'

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By yugo
Thanks JDHill for your quick reply!

After several try and reboot, the blocks as instances function works, don't know why....
But now, i get a problem with my uvw map and a simple plane, the instance doesn't save the uvw size, but the first and native shape have it.....
Also i get the good rendering when i remove the blocks as instances fonction...
is it the texture ? it came from mxn gallery and a clipped grass.
By JDHill
Hi Yugo,

I tried to duplicate this, and I think I can explain what you are seeing. Given that:

- Rhino block references do not support texture-mapping
- the material you used may have textures with projectors > 0

These two factors could combine to give you the effect you see. Since block references cannot be texture-mapped (the definition geometry gets the current viewport mapping 'baked' into channel zero when it is blocked), you may have textures in your material which do not work with the block. You would need to switch all textures to use Channel 0 in the Maxwell texture editor to get around this issue. This means that it is not possible to have multiple texture-mappings on instances - so this is a Rhino limitation regarding block references, and not really a Maxwell issue.

Also, regarding your other post, I did find one way to make it so that blocks do not export correctly: if I:

1. made some geometry
2. blocked it
3. copied the blocks
4. rendered successfully
5. deleted the blocks
6. purged the drawing
7. started again at (1)

In this case, the plugin did not find the new blocks in the drawing, and no instances were exported. If I then saved and re-opened this drawing, the instance table seems to have been fixed up and the references are now correctly given to the plugin when it asks for them. I would have to look into the code, but this seems to be an obscure Rhino SDK bug related to the Purge command. Please let me know if you think this seems applicable to the scenario you described.


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By yugo
Thanks, i will try this now!

I will let you know soon the issue!
By Cadhorn
yugo wrote:Hi maxwellians!

I get a strange problem with the blocks as instance (i did the trick explained): when i try to render the scene, all my instances disappear, and when remove the option they are appearing in the render, but it's too heavy for my job (i need to do a field of grass....).

Do you ever get a similar error?

Thanks everybody !
I've seen this a few times myself. Ran into this problem tonight on a file that I *really* want to use Export Instances (and Cache Meshes): many many blocks and it's an animation. Found this old thread searching for a solution.

Indeed, restarting Rhino fixes it. Bit of a painful fix though. I haven't figured out/noticed what causes it to start leaving out the Instances. I tried "Maxwell_ClearCachedData" to no effect.
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