By nachob
Hi Steven,

The problem can be that there are other maxwell running on your network. But sometimes maxwell is not detecting correctly your own IP's and it can think there are other computers in the network when they aren't. Try disabling the network ports you are not using in System preferences->Network->Network Port Configurations. And have only selected the one you need.

This problem will be fixed in the future.

Hi Steven,
Steven Houtzager wrote: Do you have any advice on previewing materials in the material editor? When I select a predefined material from the browser, I don't see a preview.
I am not sure if I understand your question. Do you mean you don't see the preview in the material browser, in the material editor or in the formZ plugin? Does it happen with all the materials?


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By Steven Houtzager
I am reffering to the program mxed. When I select a wizard and then select a material such as car paint, the preview on the left does not appear. I am unable to see a preview.
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By juan
Steven Houtzager wrote:I am reffering to the program mxed. When I select a wizard and then select a material such as car paint, the preview on the left does not appear. I am unable to see a preview.
When you create a new material you choose the parameters and the material is created but the preview is not calculated automatically. What happens if you hit the preview button or double click the preview frame? It should create the preview, does it work?


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By Steven Houtzager
OK,when I click on the space where the preview should be it does appear. There is not a preview button on my mac version.

It looks unclear though. Lots of black specks.

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By Mihai
Rightclick on the mat preview>Preview options, you can increase the preview quality there.
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By juan
Hello Steven,
Steven Houtzager wrote:There is not a preview button on my mac version.
It looks unclear though. Lots of black specks.
You can preview a material double clicking on the preview area, hitting the preview button or with "Ctrl + P". All these options are explained in the page 37 of the manual. Can't you see the preview button in your system?



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