By JDHill
Wish List:

  • Thomas An.

    - add function to temporarily link current Rhino viewport to Sun's perspective, view updates in real-time as time/date/lat/lon are changed.
    - more viewing options in material browser [addressed in 1.5]
    - allow more than one selected material, ability to create a selection, filtered by status, i.e. used/unused, etc. [improved in 1.5?]
  • piroshki

    - better system for browsing .mxm files. [improved in 1.5?]
    - meshing progress indicator [%complete indicator in 1.6+]
  • polyxo

    - more context menus [improved in 1.5?]
    - option to hide browser toolbars [n/a in 1.5]
    - in-place renaming for layers [addressed in 1.5]
    - copy layer [addressed in 1.5]
    - layer on/off icon indication [addressed in 1.5]
    - single-click activation for editors [addressed in 1.5]
    - image output history buffer
    - complete scene-state history management [not exactly a undo/redo function, but you can import/export scene data and material lists in 1.7. when a material list is imported, it is possible to replace all materials with those in the import on a matching-name basis]
  • jswolfe

    - respond to Enter key in color-picker (also: texture-editor) [addressed in 1.5 - also right-click to dismiss color-picker]
    - ability to control object/material auto-select with material editor and material browser windows closed [n/a in 1.5?]
  • doowym

    - default location for unspecified .mxi output [addressed in 1.5]
  • Fille

    - create Sun as a directional light closer to the scene (0,0,0) [addressed in 1.5]
    - save/restore chosen city name [addressed in 1.6.8]
  • dilbert

    - visual indication of current Maxwell Camera resolution drawn in the Rhino viewport. [1.6.6 overlay shows film size/shift lens]
  • LesliePere

    - 'expand/collapse all' in MXM Browser folder-tree. [ added in 1.6.6. ]
  • Fille

    - ability to assign a Material to multiple layers at once. [added in 1.7 ]
  • EONA

    - command to delete 'bad' meshes. [ 1.6.6 selects these, I leave it up to you to actually hit 'delete' ]
  • monochrome

    - show zclip in viewport.
  • richardfollet

    - option to export only the current camera. [added in 1.7]
  • locos77

    - MXED-style Material wizards.
  • raja

    - camera parameter-reset. [added in 1.7]
  • polynurb

    - 'open single/all textures in external editor' command.
  • hyltom

    - import mxs into Rhino.
Last edited by JDHill on Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:18 pm, edited 16 times in total.
By JDHill
Hello all,

I've moved the discussion part of this thread in light of the 1.5 plugin release. When you have the time, please take a moment to comment on the status of any of your current wishes that I've marked as fixed/improved.

Of course, feel free to post any new wishes as well. :)


By JDHill
Hi max,

This plugin does that. You can also see output by typing Maxwell_ShowLogViewer before rendering. If you try to render bad geometry, here is what you should see printed:


And on the command-line:
Maxwell: Exporting new MXS meshes, press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT to cancel.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object 4426fc44-345b-483d-b7bc-246034715a69.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object 6ab53910-46a2-4b6f-9b81-e9bc9a519463.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object 119c7ca5-f128-4789-b51c-91abb068317a.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object c3f938d9-09e2-4da0-8786-2faa6d788ca4.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object 79550a7f-d0c7-4ee5-8c5d-d3cc03d5def0.
Maxwell: Attempting to create vertex normals for object def09863-8caa-4a54-8641-308300198410.
Maxwell: 6 meshes without vertex-normals were found during export:
Maxwell: ID = 4426fc44-345b-483d-b7bc-246034715a69
Maxwell: ID = 6ab53910-46a2-4b6f-9b81-e9bc9a519463
Maxwell: ID = 119c7ca5-f128-4789-b51c-91abb068317a
Maxwell: ID = c3f938d9-09e2-4da0-8786-2faa6d788ca4
Maxwell: ID = 79550a7f-d0c7-4ee5-8c5d-d3cc03d5def0
Maxwell: ID = def09863-8caa-4a54-8641-308300198410
Maxwell: Bad meshes, and those missing vertex-normals will now be selected.
As it says, the objects should now be selected. :)


By bjorn.syse

I wish for a feature in the camera-tab of the Scene manager, to be able to "lock the exposure". That is, if the exposure is set at:

Shutter: 250
F-stop: 5.6
"Lock exposure: yes"

then, changing the f-stop one stop up to 8, the plugin would automatically change the shutter speed down to 125 in order to retain the same exposure.

Does that make sense?


- Björn
By JDHill
Thanks Björn,

I'm doing some things with Cameras currently, so I'll check into this.


By piroshki
Hi JD,

Thanks for this list. As far as I'm concerned both my items have been addressed: I am very happy with the way one browses for materials in 1.5 and you have added a mesh progress indicator in the command line. I'm SET! :)

thanks for all the hard work.

By bjorn.syse
Some subtle wishes for the coming versions of the plugin:

- Even though they're neat and everything, some icons in the plugin UI tend to be on the small size. And I'm only 26 :roll: Perhaps one could switch between two sizes.

- The real-scale icon really could use a more bright yellow to increase the contrast. Since it's sort of unclear whether the function is active or not. Partly because of the color, and partly because a mouseover statement like "Real scale ON" doesn't really tell if Real scale is currently ON, or if that is the next result of pushing the button,.. if you see what I mean? Brighter yellow would solve that though..

- Whenever I'm with the cursor in the texture Size X field for example, and press TAB, it move to the next field which is perfect. However, It would be great if it moved backwards if I used SHIFT+TAB


- Björn
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By polynurb
"automatic filenaming"

just a quick little wish, I know it has been discussed in other threads before,
but as I understand the plugIn has to provide the functionality for it.
So please make it possible to simply enable "consecutive numbered filenames" , simple rising numbers as suffix to an individual filename seem fine to me.
all files .mxs .mxi and images could then be renamed automatically.

By Polyxo
polynurb wrote:"automatic filenaming"

just a quick little wish, I know it has been discussed in other threads before,
but as I understand the plugIn has to provide the functionality for it.
So please make it possible to simply enable "consecutive numbered filenames" , simple rising numbers as suffix to an individual filename seem fine to me.
all files .mxs .mxi and images could then be renamed automatically.

For me a rename/number option inside the "overwrite-files-popup " would be nice. When numbering gets checked, this popup does not come up again until this setting is undone again under the "output-tab".

By JDHill
Thanks guys, I'll try to think of a clean way of accomplishing this.
By JDHill
Okay, following up, here's what I've got:

two ways to run:

1) normal, just like now
2) with auto-naming on

Where in the case of (2), there are now two applicable user-preferences: 'MXS Auto-Naming', and 'Image Auto-Naming'

So, with those options off, things work like now...basically, if the file exists you will get the warning dialog (if you don't have 'suppress warnings' on), and in the dialog, you have the option to 'don't ask again this session'. When you have auto-naming on, this dialog will be skipped, and the files (whether mxs or image) will be renamed using incremental numbering.
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By polynurb
thanks JD !

that system will do a real good job while testrendering :D

..just wondering
"image" will then assign the same name to .mxi and the common formats?
By JDHill
No, it just deals with the .mxs and image files...I'll take a look at .mxi, but it's a little different.
By Swiss Tony
Would it be possible for a command that saves an MXS incrementally i.e. 001.mxs, 002.mxs and so on, just as you can with rhinoceros files. The point being when you are setting up numerous renders for a batch job you don't have to go into the maxwell dialogue and manually change the file name each time that you write an MXS.

Thanks for all your work

By JDHill
Hi Swiss,

The plugin can do this for you already, just go to Plugin Options and turn on 'MXS Auto-Naming'. When enabled, .mxs files will not be overwritten, they will be renamed using incremental numbers, just as you wished. It works the same with the 'Image Auto-Naming' option as well.

You can also do this however you want using RhinoScript. The command would look something like:



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