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By deadalvs
i use this script to get the rotation in xyz to get from the up-vector to a desired direction...
( ... 16269.html)

the question is how to apply the resulting float array values from the script so that the rotation actually gives a correct value ! :evil:

the example shows a scaled locator that should go thru the diagonal !
polyCube -w 1 -h 1 -d 1 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 4 -ch 1;
setAttr "pCube1.translateX" .5;
setAttr "pCube1.translateY" .5;
setAttr "pCube1.translateZ" .5;
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0;
setAttr "locator1.scaleX" .2;
setAttr "locator1.scaleY" .2;
setAttr "locator1.scaleZ" .2;
setAttr "locator1.scaleY" 5;

vector $up = <<0,1,0>>;
vector $dir = <<1,1,1>>;

float $rotationArray[] = vector2rot ($dir, $up);
rotate -r ($rotationArray[0]) 0 0;
rotate -r 0 ($rotationArray[1]) 0;
rotate -r 0 0 ($rotationArray[2] );

global proc float[] vector2rot( vector $direction, vector $up ) {

// normalize vectors first
$direction = unit( $direction );
$up = unit( $up );

// calculate the side vector
vector $sideVec = cross( $up, $direction );
vector $upVec = cross( $direction, $sideVec );

float $cosY = sqrt( ($sideVec.x)*($sideVec.x) + ($sideVec.y)*($sideVec.y) );

// solve each angle
float $rotZ = atan2( ($sideVec.y), ($sideVec.x) );
float $rotY = atan2( -($sideVec.z), ( (($sideVec.x)+($sideVec.y)) / (cos( $rotZ ) + sin( $rotZ ) ) ) );
float $rotX = atan2( ($upVec.z), ($direction.z) );

// convert to degrees
$rotX = rad_to_deg( $rotX );
$rotY = rad_to_deg( $rotY );
$rotZ = rad_to_deg( $rotZ );

// return x,y,z rotations
return { $rotX, $rotY, $rotZ };

} // vector2rot
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By deadalvs
or has anyone a script that does the similar ?

Haha, thanks.

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