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By michaelplogue
I hadn't tested my volume fog material since 1.1 was released, so I figured I'd give it a whirl since a lot of folks have been having problems getting SSS to work correctly. My old material still works, but some adjustments needed to be made.

The following image is using two different objects with two different settings of volume fog. A thiner (lower scattering setting) encompasses the entire scene, and a second object hugging the ground at the level of the tree trunks has a higher scattering setting.

Using Daylight and Sun (early morning)

Using HDR for illumination and background

The settings for the fog are pretty simple. Here is a screen shot of the material using the 3ds Max plugin. Basically you adjust the density of your fog by increasing the scattering level. This had to be adjusted from my old material quite a bit. In 1.0, the thin fog setting would have been at 0.1 instead of 0.01 as it is here. Another thing to keep in mind is that the longer you render, the clearer the fog will be (making it look less dense).


The scene setup is also relatively simple. This screen shot should pretty much explain what was done. One thing I made sure of was that the ground-level fog object was completely enclosed within the larger, 'thinner' fog object.

Your scene lighting will also effect the fog effect, so you will likely need to do several tests to get what you want.

You also need to be sure that your camera is not inside the fog object/s (unless it's enclosed within an inverted-normal object with the fog material also applied to it).

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By michaelplogue
MXM now uploaded into the gallery (my very first! :shock: ).....

http://mxmgallery.maxwellrender.com/new ... =0&id=1556

(I had to fake the preview shot - the actual material is pretty much invisible at this scale and all you'd see was shadow.... :oops: )
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By Leonardo
yeah, the second one is pretty good :shock:
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?