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By bakbek
Upgrade is possible for free to all current users of SketchUP! go to this link to download the new version. ... index.html

so far it looks good, haven't tested all the new features yet, but LayOut looks really promising.

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By Sheik
Great! I found a free trial version of SU 6, and an upgrade version to SU 5 for 90USD. Where is the free upgrade to SU6? :?

Have you noticed there is a new plugin for SU (1.6)? I had totally missed the announcement on the December.
By marked001
the free upgrade to 6 is on the purchases page...
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By Sheik
It appears I was getting an un-uppdated mirror site, or something. No I totally cant get to I guess there are about a million people trying to download :roll: .

So did anyone have time to test if the plugin still works in SU6?
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By dyarza
Just installed SU 6 on my MacBook Pro but the licensing for the Mac is still not working acoording to the website, so I am using it in evaluation mode.

Which could explain. I am able to see the Maxwell menu in "plugins" and it seems to work, but I do not see the option for .mxs in the export menu.

I hope once I get my license it allows the export, but the other formats show up, so maybe the plugin has to be updated.

I will try on the PC tomorrow morning at work.
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By Sheik
It seems there is a problem for non-US customers to get to the download page, and Google is working on the problem.
I was however able to download the trial version, which I quickly tested.
The plugin installer seems to insist on installing to SU5, but I manually copied the necessary files;
-Copy MaxwellExport.dll from your SketchUp 5 / Exporters folder to the Google SketchUp 6 / Exporters folder.
-Copy MaxwellExport.rb from your SketchUp 5 / Plugins folder to the Google SketchUp 6 / Plugins folder.

So far it appears to work just fine! (PC)
Unfortunately most of the SU materials have changed, so the SU library mxm´s needs to be updated :x (hope you noticed them in the latest plugin update).
Still need to test some more, but unfortunately it seems the black triangles are still there. Camera FOV still doesn’t match the SU screen (i.e. camera is still inaccurate). And the excellent photo matching projected on to geometry isn’t correctly mapped in the mxs export (like the fixed pins in SU5).
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By Sheik
messire wrote:sheik:
is it a good idea to upgrade to plug 1.6 from 1.5?
is it a good idea to upgrade to SU 6 now, or should i stay with SU5 for now?

The latest plugin has some important improvements. You can now export models with embedded bitmaps, and they are saved separately. There is an mxm library that swaps most materials in the SU Library for an mxm version on export (now SU6 needs a new mxm lib). No reason not to update.

SketchUp 6 will by default be installed so that you can still use SU 5, if you want to. Sofar I have had no problems with SU 6, but I have used it only for a few hors. There is a bunch of cool new stuff, like photo matching, and it is also faster. The Maxwell plugin seems to work the same way as it does in SU 5. So I don’t see any reason for not updating directly.
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By bakbek
messire wrote:sheik:
is it a good idea to upgrade to plug 1.6 from 1.5?
is it a good idea to upgrade to SU 6 now, or should i stay with SU5 for now?

1.6 is a must... SU 6 can ran along side SU 5 and you can save to SU 5 Format from SU 6 - so, as you can see, no harm in any case

By Nigel Baker
Hi All,

Yes, the web site still seems to be having issues.
And all upgrades are still pointing to the Pro 5 version.

By RedRaven
I'm still only seeing the 5 upgrade page too. Im trying the demo and see if it allows me to activate it to work past 8 hours
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By tok
dyarza wrote:I am able to see the Maxwell menu in "plugins" and it seems to work, but I do not see the option for .mxs in the export menu.
The same with me: no mxs in the export menu, though the MaxwellExport.rb is installed. (Mac)
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By Jake256
tok wrote:
dyarza wrote:I am able to see the Maxwell menu in "plugins" and it seems to work, but I do not see the option for .mxs in the export menu.
The same with me: no mxs in the export menu, though the MaxwellExport.rb is installed. (Mac)
I've got the same problem. No export option. I went to download the latest skpToMXS plugin at this site and there is no way to get to the new dec 22 plugin update. Some sort of server error pops up.

I thought technology was going to improve our lives. Seems Google and NextLimit could use some IT help. Nothing seems to be working properly.
By inigomontoya
The install puts the files in the wrong directory even if you point to the right location on install. Just dig around and look for a Sketchup5 directory in the Sketchup6 location and move the files to their appropriate location.

MXS export gives me a Bug Splat on more complicated models but seems to work on simpler ones.

I copied all my Ruby Scripts from 5 to 6 but had to remove extensions.rb, GettingStarted.rb and LangHandler.rb per Sketchup website as they have been replaced, I think.

Everything seems to work including SpaceTraveler.

I've been working in 6 and saving back to 5 for export and it seems to work OK that way.
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By dyarza
inigomontoya wrote:The install puts the files in the wrong directory even if you point to the right location on install. Just dig around and look for a Sketchup5 directory in the Sketchup6 location and move the files to their appropriate location.

MXS export gives me a Bug Splat on more complicated models but seems to work on simpler ones.

I copied all my Ruby Scripts from 5 to 6 but had to remove extensions.rb, GettingStarted.rb and LangHandler.rb per Sketchup website as they have been replaced, I think.

Everything seems to work including SpaceTraveler.

I've been working in 6 and saving back to 5 for export and it seems to work OK that way.
PC or Mac?

I can do just as you say in the PC at work, even the SpacePilot works great, but on the Mac there is no "Exporters" folder, just "Plugins" so I am missing the exporter function.


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