Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
By nicole
Hi everyone,

As you all know, the Maxwell materials December contest as come to an end and the winners have been announced. The contest was a huge success with more than 60 uploaded materials, :shock: so thank you all for your efforts and participation in making this contest work!

Now, we think you deserve some rest :wink: Therefore, we have decided to skip the January contest and instead make you another unique proposal: By uploading a new material you will be able to download THE WHOLE MXM GALLERY (all materials uploaded before January 10, 2007) AT ONCE!! :D :D This option lasts until January 21st, 2007.

All you have to do is get to work, create an original and useful material and upload it to the gallery…. You will receive all the MXM materials straight to your computer.

Due to the large file size (775 MB) we suggest you use a program for downloading. You can get a good, free downloading program for PC users from the MXM website http://mxmgallery.maxwellrender.com/index.php If you are a Mac user and know of a good downloading program for Mac, please let us know.

We look forward to seeing your new materials in the MXM Gallery. Play fair, be original, and keep the MXM spirit alive! 8)



PS: Don't worry.... the MXM contest will be BAAAAACK in February!!! :wink:
Last edited by nicole on Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By lsega77
wow! now all we need is a batch unzipper! (that seriously didn't sound right but you all know what I mean :lol: :lol: )

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By Tim Ellis
lsega77 wrote:wow! now all we need is a batch unzipper! (that seriously didn't sound right but you all know what I mean :lol: :lol: )

Winzip & winrar can do this. ;) Select all zip files from within the winzip/rar window, then extract them to a location of your choice.

Thanks for the opportunity to download all the materials. :D

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By arch4d
really great, but how do we get the materials ?
can´t find a link... :cry:
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By mashium123
Thanks for offering the complete mxm library.

May I ask if it's possible to let them be available till end of this month?
Mid-Decmeber I lost my broadband and I will get it back on Jan., 25th. (Honestly it will be broader.. :) )
It would be great for me, if this offer could be extendend for a week or till the end of the month. Otherwise it will not be possible for me to download this amount of data and save it somewhere.

Thank you.
By HarverdGrad
Same.. I've been out of the loop for a while, and just learned about this option to download all the materials. Would be great if this would be made available. OR? Maybe someone could just upload it to the Bittorrent sites(?)
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By Rickyx
arch4d wrote:really great, but how do we get the materials ?
can´t find a link... :cry:
Me neither... maybe we have to wait for an e-mail?

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By arch4d
Hyperballad wrote:If that's the case then you'll mos tlikely never get a link.
not right, just got mine a few days after posting...
but didn´t have the time to look what i got there... :cry:
By beatriz
Rickyx wrote:
arch4d wrote:really great, but how do we get the materials ?
can´t find a link... :cry:
Me neither... maybe we have to wait for an e-mail?

The procedure was as follows:
The user upload a valid material and receives an email with the link at the time of publishing. If the material is not valid, he/she receives an email telling him/her why it is not valid.

Now, if you haven't received that email (it happens sometimes due to spam filters, etc), please write us to mxmgallery@nextlimit.com and we'll give you the link again.
By nicole
Hi all,

If you haven't downloaded the entire MXM gallery yet, please don't forget to do so before the end of the month. We will delete the download link on February 1. So all of you who submitted a material but didn't download the materials yet for whatever reason, do so soon!!!


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By insomnia3d
I do not have any materials right now but i have submitted a few, can i still get an email?
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By mapro
it is a great offer but...

I'm a registered user of Maxwell. I have really not the time to prepare a nice material for upload and by the way I'm not able to do such great materials. Respect for the persons who are able...

Is there a possibility to get this materials in 1 go like on a CD. I'm also willing to pay for all this great materials?

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By hyltom
mapro wrote:I'm also willing to pay for all this great materials?
:shock: If NL make some money from the mxm gallery by selling a CD, it will be totally unfair to the user.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?