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By djflod
damn thing still crashes.

I'm not using ML, I stop the render and select my map, press refresh and whammo, crash > :
Same here :( :( :(
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By Tim Ellis
djflod wrote:
damn thing still crashes.

I'm not using ML, I stop the render and select my map, press refresh and whammo, crash > :
Same here :( :( :(
What is your system memory status before & during crash? Perhaps M~R is peaking it's memory allowance.

Does it still crash if you load a rendered MXI and apply glare to that?

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By b-kandor
Apparently the glare map file mentioned in the first post has been deleted... Does anyone have a copy?


By rendek
same here (crash)
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By Tim Ellis
Sorry guys, I'll upload it again tomorrow.

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By jurX
thX man!
I will look for it the next days,..because the file was deleted....
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By Tim Ellis
New download link added to first post.

By richardfollett
Hi Tim,
I am trying method 3, so run MXCL -d, then select glare and I can see the change to the small preview but when I hit refresh the main image is not updated? What do you think I might be doing wrong?

Thanks for your detailed explainations.

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By 3dtrialpractice
are you also using -ml (multilight) option..if so there is currently a bug that prohibits the use of glare if you have multilight also on..
well i guess theres multiple bugs.. glare also has a memory leak in it and that too will keep the glare from refreshing to your main image sometimes.. esp if your computer has low ram-or maybe on a hires image?.. but often times it will just crash once u run outa memory..

hopefully maxwell1.2 will be out soon with these problems fixed
By numerobis
3dtrialpractice wrote:hopefully maxwell1.2 will be out soon with these problems fixed
...yes, hope dies last :roll:

and there are 3 days remaining for the march newsletter, to tell us that 1.2 will be released soon... maybe Q2/2007
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By Leonardo
I'll try it next time......... there as been a long time since I gave up on it :D
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By Tim Ellis
richardfollett wrote:Hi Tim,
I am trying method 3, so run MXCL -d, then select glare and I can see the change to the small preview but when I hit refresh the main image is not updated? What do you think I might be doing wrong?

Thanks for your detailed explainations.

Not sure really, but my first guess would be to increase the slider for the glare value and refresh the main image, until you get the required level of glare.

I have found this in a few cases, but from memory using a different glare map increased the effect on the refreshed image. I usually have to try a few different size versions, white area not resolution, until I get the effect I want.

Try resizing the white areas in PS of a specific map, if the one's I've made don't suit.

Certain maps seem to work better for certain scenes.

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By Mihai
richardfollett wrote:Hi Tim,
I am trying method 3, so run MXCL -d, then select glare and I can see the change to the small preview but when I hit refresh the main image is not updated? What do you think I might be doing wrong?

Thanks for your detailed explainations.

Are you using multi light? Glare doesn't currently work with multi light.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?