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Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:19 pm
by Ernesto
I am learning how to use the different functions in the network system.
The main window, when you are going to add a new job, sows the following 4 options:

Single, Cooperative, Animation and Batch

if you chose the last option Batch, it will open a new window, where you have again two of the previous options:

Single or Cooperative

This is rather confusing. Perhaps the Batch mode should be an option inside Single or Cooperative, reducing the main window to only 3 options: Single Cooperative and Animation...
Anyway the system will be much more clear and efficient if you could get rid of redundant options.


Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:50 pm
by RobMitchell
They're not redundant... If the Batch Render option was put inside of Single or Cooperative, people could very easily miss that option or assume there isn't a batch option. Batch is completely different to both Single and Coop, so it makes sense to have it's own section. By choosing Batch, you're saying you want to render multiple mxs files, then choosing if the multiple mxs files want to be rendered by a single node (Single) or multiple nodes (Cooperative).

It makes perfect sense that way around.

Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:32 pm
by Mihai
Thank you for yet another suggestion. We also have the Wishlist forum, where users are supposed to post their weird and not so weird suggestions.

Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:48 pm
by Ernesto
Any option that should be considered twice is redundant, therefore unnecessary and unclear.
To solve a confusing interface, is not a wish asked by users, but a must for developers.
An unclear, not intuitive, or confusing interface is an unnecessary obstacle for users.
An intuitive user interface is considered the best interface.


Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:37 pm
by BeeCee
Any suggestion that is posted in the main forum is in the wrong place, therefore unnecessary and impractical.
To make a wish, is not simply a request of the forum owner, but a must for users.
An improperly located, not general, or wishlist post is unnecessary clutter for users.
A properly located post is considered the best post.



Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:27 pm
by Ernesto
BeeCee wrote:Any suggestion that is posted in the main forum is in the wrong place, therefore unnecessary and impractical.
To make a wish, is not simply a request of the forum owner, but a must for users.
An improperly located, not general, or wishlist post is unnecessary clutter for users.
A properly located post is considered the best post.


This is the useless noise that turns the maxwell forum a mess

Re: Network System Redundant Options

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:07 pm
by jojojoj
Ernesto wrote:
This is the useless noise that turns the maxwell forum a mess
Hi Ernesto,

I felt like I had to state my opinion here regarding yours quoted above because for someone regularly coming along here you just can't miss the fact that especially the user Ernesto comes up with a constant flow of things he thinks don't work or should work in another way.
I think that if you're the smart guy you're pretending to be you'll for sure know about the kinda provocative effect of some of your statements in this forum - especially highlighting things in an excessive and childish way doesn't really underline your part of the seriousness you're claiming, and you were the thread starter. Your way of expressing your thoughts in this particular example really is just about the same level you're criticising! Otherwise - if don't realize the effect your words might have - come to think about it....
Sure I'll fully agree with everyone and therefor with you that errors should be corrected and that user suggestions might bring some improvements, but:
The way you constantly come up with criticism for multiple things that more or less often end up being OK (and therefor you could have found out by either being a tad more persistent in your learning or ask without pretending something's wrong right from the start) communicates kind of a high handed attitude from your side, especially since you really stand out by sheer numbers which kinda makes me think that if there were really so many bugs and problems others should also be able to find some of them if we can agree we don't just have dumb fanboys around here but pros depending on the reliability of their tools....
I really think NL are doing a great job in delivering bugfixes, improvememts and new stuff for free whilst listening to us and I really think this stands out compared to some competitors with yearly paid upgrades (and only then bugfixes) for minimal improvement.
