
I´m with a big trouble... and can´t work and Next Limit can´t help me... i already send a mail... but no lucky.

I installed C4D 10 and maxwell 1.7 on my new Mac pro 8-core.

The Mxcl open normally and studio also works ok.

but C4D don´t open if the maxwell plugin is inside plugin folder... if i delete the plugin it opens normally.

Now i just can´t work!!!!

I have snow leopard installed but i also tried on my imac with snow leopard and works... i just don´t understand... and know what to do

Maybe is an issue about 64bit mac pro... i don´t know


many thanks
best regards

JDHill wrote:Are you running Cinema in 32bit mode (right-click Cinema > Get Info > Open in 32bit mode)? The Cinema plugin does not currently support 64bit mode.

Thanks JDHill for quickly reply!!!\

I tried to do what you sad but when i press get info in c4d i don´t see a place where choose open in 32bit mode...

What i´m doing worng?

many thanks

Well, I don't have R10, so I was not sure whether it was 64bit-capable; if the 'Open in 32-bit mode' checkbox is not present then it isn't. You should not run it under Rosetta, even though it can. Unfortunately, I only have R9.6, R11, and R11.5 for OSX, and the plugin is working fine under all of those on Leopard. So I can't personally confirm whether there's a problem with R10 on Snow Leopard.

So what does it mean when you say: "C4D don´t open if the maxwell plugin is inside plugin folder"

- does it crash?
- does it hang?
- have you looked at Cinema in Activity Monitor while it is loading with the plugin? What do you see?
- what does the Cinema splash screen say as it is loading?
JDHill wrote:Well, I don't have R10, so I was not sure whether it was 64bit-capable; if the 'Open in 32-bit mode' checkbox is not present then it isn't. You should not run it under Rosetta, even though it can. Unfortunately, I only have R9.6, R11, and R11.5 for OSX, and the plugin is working fine under all of those on Leopard. So I can't personally confirm whether there's a problem with R10 on Snow Leopard.

So what does it mean when you say: "C4D don´t open if the maxwell plugin is inside plugin folder"

- does it crash?
- does it hang?
- have you looked at Cinema in Activity Monitor while it is loading with the plugin? What do you see?
- what does the Cinema splash screen say as it is loading?

It hangs... shows the cinema 4D logo square and i can see loading all cinema 4D parts and stops when says loading maxwell plugin... and must do force quit or else it stays there

Well, it shows CPU @ 100%, so maybe it's working on something. I would try deleting your Cinema preferences folder to see if that helps. If not, use Activity Monitor > Sample Process on the Cinema 4D process, and then email the info it gives you to me at ( jeremy at nextlimit dot com ) and I'll see if there is anything meaningful in the report.
Sampling process 900 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling CINEMA 4D (pid 900) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
2503 Thread_55173 DispatchQueue_1: com.apple.main-thread (serial)
2503 start
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 EventAvail
2503 GetNextEventMatchingMask
2503 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
2503 CFRunLoopRunInMode
2503 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
2503 __CFRunLoopRun
2503 __CFRunLoopDoSource1
2503 __CFMachPortPerform
2503 NotificationMsgHandler
2503 SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions
2503 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
2503 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 MPFree
2503 ValidateMPMemory
2503 Thread_55184 DispatchQueue_2: com.apple.libdispatch-manager (serial)
2503 start_wqthread
2503 _pthread_wqthread
2503 _dispatch_worker_thread2
2503 _dispatch_queue_invoke
2503 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
2503 kevent
2503 Thread_55188
2503 thread_start
2503 _pthread_start
2503 TimerThread
2502 TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
2502 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative
2502 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np
2501 _pthread_cond_wait
2495 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
6 _pthread_cond_wait
1 _sysenter_trap
1 start
1 PrimeTimeTask
1 _PrimeTimeTask
1 AddDurationToAbsolute
1 DurationToAbsolute
2503 Thread_55190
2503 thread_start
2503 _pthread_start
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 exc_server
2503 _Xexception_raise
2503 catch_exception_raise
2503 0x958c00
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 start
2500 start
1751 MPYield
1698 sched_yield
1650 swtch_pri
48 sched_yield
30 TSYield
16 MPYield
5 _sysenter_trap
2 dyld_stub_swtch_pri
616 MPTaskIsPreemptive
437 ThreadIsCooperative
278 TSLockMutex
124 pthread_mutex_lock
78 pthread_mutex_lock
43 _spin_lock
3 spin_unlock
118 TSLockMutex
32 __spin_lock
4 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
62 TSUnlockMutex
21 TSUnlockMutex
19 __spin_lock
19 pthread_mutex_unlock
2 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
58 FindThreadByID
33 ThreadIsCooperative
3 dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_lock
3 dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_unlock
112 pthread_self
65 MPTaskIsPreemptive
2 TSSelf
130 start
2 TSYield
1 dyld_stub_sched_yield
3 dyld_stub_MPTaskIsPreemptive
998 Thread_55605
998 start_wqthread
998 _pthread_wqthread
998 __workq_kernreturn

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
15 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
7 start

Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
ValidateMPMemory 2503
kevent 2503
semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap 2495
swtch_pri 1650
__workq_kernreturn 998
start 130
TSLockMutex 118
pthread_self 112
pthread_mutex_lock 78
MPTaskIsPreemptive 65
FindThreadByID 58
__spin_lock 51
sched_yield 48
_spin_lock 43
ThreadIsCooperative 33
TSYield 32
TSUnlockMutex 21
pthread_mutex_unlock 19
MPYield 16
_pthread_cond_wait 6
_sysenter_trap 6
dyld_stub__spin_unlock 6
Sample analysis of process 900 written to file /dev/stdout
Unfortunately, that doesn't tell me much. Here's what I find odd:

1. you say it works fine on your other mac
2. you say both the v1 and v2 plugins have this problem

Am I understanding this correctly?

Since I am unaware of any known issues here, and because it is strange that two different plugins are causing the same issue, and only on one machine, what I would probably do is:

1. as I said above, delete your cinema preferences. If that does not help then...
2. make sure that there are no old versions of things in the trash. If that also does not help...
3. repair disk permissions. If that still does not help...
4. uninstall maxwell and cinema completely and empty the trash. Reboot. Reinstall the applications. Reboot.

I've done everything you told me to try to do to solve the problem... and nothing still the same.

1. deleted cinema preferences.
2. make sure that there are no old versions of things in the trash
3. repair disk permissions
4. uninstall maxwell and cinema completely and empty the trash. Reboot. Reinstall the applications. Reboot

I ordered yesterday maxwell 2 in hope to solve the problem... and also the same...

With my new machine that i bought just to render... and the maxwell don´t work in cinema 4D...

I don´t what to do i have a work to do...
Are both of these things true?

1. the plugin works fine on your other mac which is running snow leopard
2. on your new machine, both the v1 and v2 plugins show this problem

Was Snow Leopard installed clean on this machine, or was it done by upgrading a Leopard install?
Chocolate test with SSS
