- Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:36 pm
Sampling process 900 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling CINEMA 4D (pid 900) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
2503 Thread_55173 DispatchQueue_1: com.apple.main-thread (serial)
2503 start
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 start
2503 operator delete[](void*)
2503 EventAvail
2503 GetNextEventMatchingMask
2503 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
2503 CFRunLoopRunInMode
2503 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
2503 __CFRunLoopRun
2503 __CFRunLoopDoSource1
2503 __CFMachPortPerform
2503 NotificationMsgHandler
2503 SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions
2503 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
2503 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 MPFree
2503 ValidateMPMemory
2503 Thread_55184 DispatchQueue_2: com.apple.libdispatch-manager (serial)
2503 start_wqthread
2503 _pthread_wqthread
2503 _dispatch_worker_thread2
2503 _dispatch_queue_invoke
2503 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
2503 kevent
2503 Thread_55188
2503 thread_start
2503 _pthread_start
2503 TimerThread
2502 TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
2502 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative
2502 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np
2501 _pthread_cond_wait
2495 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
6 _pthread_cond_wait
1 _sysenter_trap
1 start
1 PrimeTimeTask
1 _PrimeTimeTask
1 AddDurationToAbsolute
1 DurationToAbsolute
2503 Thread_55190
2503 thread_start
2503 _pthread_start
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 exc_server
2503 _Xexception_raise
2503 catch_exception_raise
2503 0x958c00
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
2503 start
2500 start
1751 MPYield
1698 sched_yield
1650 swtch_pri
48 sched_yield
30 TSYield
16 MPYield
5 _sysenter_trap
2 dyld_stub_swtch_pri
616 MPTaskIsPreemptive
437 ThreadIsCooperative
278 TSLockMutex
124 pthread_mutex_lock
78 pthread_mutex_lock
43 _spin_lock
3 spin_unlock
118 TSLockMutex
32 __spin_lock
4 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
62 TSUnlockMutex
21 TSUnlockMutex
19 __spin_lock
19 pthread_mutex_unlock
2 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
58 FindThreadByID
33 ThreadIsCooperative
3 dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_lock
3 dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_unlock
112 pthread_self
65 MPTaskIsPreemptive
2 TSSelf
130 start
2 TSYield
1 dyld_stub_sched_yield
3 dyld_stub_MPTaskIsPreemptive
998 Thread_55605
998 start_wqthread
998 _pthread_wqthread
998 __workq_kernreturn
Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
15 catch_exception_raise_state_identity
7 start
Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
ValidateMPMemory 2503
kevent 2503
semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap 2495
swtch_pri 1650
__workq_kernreturn 998
start 130
TSLockMutex 118
pthread_self 112
pthread_mutex_lock 78
MPTaskIsPreemptive 65
FindThreadByID 58
__spin_lock 51
sched_yield 48
_spin_lock 43
ThreadIsCooperative 33
TSYield 32
TSUnlockMutex 21
pthread_mutex_unlock 19
MPYield 16
_pthread_cond_wait 6
_sysenter_trap 6
dyld_stub__spin_unlock 6
Sample analysis of process 900 written to file /dev/stdout
Cinema 4D 9.1 MAC OS X
Mac Pro 8-core
Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
6GB memory
A2G arquitectura -
mo-ow design