lllab wrote:it is the tress, ia m quite sure. not the format.
i have the same problem. also when i deactivate materials. only when i delete the trees from scene it renders ok.
try deleting the trees from scene, and also its materials from material manager. see if it still crashes. as JD said there seem to be some kind of textures that make problems.
dxf is certainly the best method from rhino to c4d. we use this since years, it renders fine, also with maxwell,. and keeps a good OM structure and the base material colors.
i tested the crashes with geometry from many format inputs obj makes no difference., it was nailed to the trees in my case from xfrog (those are native c4d format no dxf)
maybe check if you have also a uvw map somewhere with no texture on it. i am not sure yes if that makes some probs, but maybe try.
Greetings Stefan, nice to hear from you here
Just to clarify, I have no problems exporting the mxs file out of C4D-x32, but the same scene crashes C4D-x64 when exporting the mxs. It seems to make no difference whether it is DXF or OBJ from Rhino to C4D (what is "OM Structure"?).
I turned off (for export) all layers except the house and c4d-x64 crashes on export to mxs. When I isolated the object (layer out of Rhino) that was crashing, I found that I could export to mxs that object alone ok but when combined with the other layers of the house it crashed when exporting mxs file in c4d-x64. The trees, as you say, are also crashing x64, but as I said all is well in x32
I did go ahead and assign a generic Maxwell material to each object just in case that was the problem, which it did not seem to affect it one way or another.
Perhaps I'm getting exasperated over nothing, as at least Maxwell x64 has access to as much ram as it needs....just feel like it won't be long and I'll need that ram in c4d as well....especially since I'm getting rather fond of the 3D Onyxtrees
I suppose that exporting the mxs out of Rhino is more of an option now that v5 has an x64 version. I've noticed though that the c4d scene file is quite a bit smaller than the Rhino file, so makes exporting faster. Also my 3DSpaceNavigator/graphics card can't handle all the 3d trees in Rhino, although I can leave that layer turned off while navigating and then turning them on when I've got the right view...is a little more tedious than c4d (I'm quite fond of the way c4d does a lot of things as far as the overall scene is concerned...although Rhino can't be beat IMO for modeling).