By giacob
i want to apply a material and the relative projectors to an entity and twick the tiling of the textures...
The material i want assign is an mxm material made of 2 bsdf layers weigthmapped with a b&w textures...any bsdf have more textures .. 1 on the reflectance channell , 2 on anysotropy, 3 on bump
the weightmap textures , the reflectance texture and the anysotropy texture must have 3 different projectors because they must have different tiling....
... i wonder since there is no corrispondence between all lw's material channels and mxm material channels how can i proceed? ..
color channel correspondes to reflectance 0 channel
but where i have to apply the textures for the wheithmap cnaannel or anysotropy channel?
yes i can perhaps put textures on any othe channel just to avoid the "not enpough material error.... but it seems a bit too messy to work this way ...

besides it seems to me that if i change the tiling of , let say the color channel of the lw material, i dont see any change in the corrispondent mxm ( maxwell shaders)
i think the problem is that in lw the projectores are assigned per materials.. in 3dmax they are assigned per entity and it works much better.....
in conclusion 3dmax plugin has some problems but it makes wonders in comparision to LW plugin...
anyway perhaps i am totally wrong because i am a newby with Lw and wait for some advice anxiously....
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By Hervé
don't worry... Maxwell is not LW...

3 tilings (I guess you mean the size of them..? right)

defie one UV in LW... and in Maxwell, enter any number of repetitions for u & v... voila.. I know it does not exists in LW, this is why we have (in lw) to size up a uv if you need it to repeat more than once...

hope this helps..


(but in case you want several different uv for some reason .. and for a single surface, then yes... put one in color slot, one in spec slot, one in bump slot...) :wink:
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