Everything related to Maxwell network rendering systems.
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By j_man

I'm getting crashes with coop rendering (someone has posted this in the bug reports) when the files are being linked together.
As I understand, each computer renders an image and then they are composited at the end. Is this right?

Two Q's:
-If it is then how can I open the image that one computer renders (where can I find it!)
-Why is this better than me rendering it manually on different computers and then compositing it myself? Sounds like it is safer in the event of a crash!

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By j_man
Thanks Adam!
You should have specified an output location in your .mxc file or export plugin.
Of course I did ;> but when I look into that directory I only see one image. At the moment all of the mxi files are in the network drive I specified in the manager setup.
> -Why is this better than me rendering it manually on different
> computers and then compositing it myself? Sounds like it is
> safer in the event of a crash!

Apparently M~R is using a lot more than basic screen pixels to produce the combined results. This was quite clear when I did a coop render of a diamond; the individual results showed the stone as quite dark and reddish in color, while the converged stone was much lighter and greenish in tone--as it would have been had I rendered longer on a single machine.
I would believe this also! I'm just wondering if it might not be more versatile if I can adjust how they're merged. Not to mention that if it crashes I still have the individual renders. otherwise I've lost it all!

BTW, I'm getting pretty good results with coop rendering, it's just that it I go home tonight and the link job fails...

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By j_man
You'd think there would be a way to restart the linking the process if it failed the first time, but if there I haven't found it.
something for the future then!

thanks again.


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