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cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:33 am
by GDS1
Hey everyone,

Quick question.
If I opt to do a network render and choose the cooperative option would my render time be shorter, if the pcs are identical?

Thanks for any feedback in advance.

Re: cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:10 am
by numerobis
Yes. That's the general idea of network rendering...

But your PCs doesn't have to be identical (only the maxwell version) ... +Rendering

Re: cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:04 pm
by GDS1
Thank you for quick reply.

I asked this question, because the main machine and the node (I only have one) are showing the same render time. There is a column 'Time Elapsed' 'Time Left' 'Time Limit' and so on. Time Elapsed is showing the same time for both render stations. I call it render1 and render2. When I set a 10min 'Time Limit' and if I understand it correctly the 'Time Elapsed' column should show half the time between the two render stations. Instead at the end of the render each render station render1 and render2 is showing 9.43min?
In comparison, when I do a normal render (not Network) the render time passed is 10.01min. Is this the only time saving I get?
I am thinking that I'm not using the Network render correctly because, as you say, the general idea is to speed things up.
My question is, I have to do over 70 high res renders (5000 x 2815) what would be the most productive approach? Considering, I have only one license + one node.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:59 pm
by numerobis
GDS1 wrote:70 high res renders (5000 x 2815) what would be the most productive approach? Considering, I have only one license + one node.

an external renderfarm...?!? or lots of time

Normally you should get a higher SL for the coop render when you render it for the same amount of time as on one machine.
The rendertime is the same for all nodes.

Re: cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:16 pm
by GDS1
I know, it's a lot of renders.

The SL for the coop on render1 was 14.13 and on render2 14.11. For the normal render (no network) the SL was 14.17? :(

Not much higher at all? The coop reached actually a lower SL.

This is why I have been avoiding using Network renders. Also, Network renders tend to stop or crash and delay the renders when not supervised.

Wonder what I can do? I hope somebody from the NL team can help?
Is there a tech support number I can call?

Thank you again for you help.

Re: cooperative mode render time

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:10 pm
by Mihai
Please read through the online docs about network rendering, the link numerobis posted.

When you do a coop render, your two separate renders are merged after rendering - and this process gives you a higher SL = cleaner render. The process is pretty linear so if you have two machines of the same speed and you render the same image on both (coop rendering), you get the same result as if you had rendered twice as long on a single machine. the docs :)