Everything related to Maxwell network rendering systems.
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By Hillmeister
For running a test to see if Maxwell Render will fit our needs we purchased 1 Maxwell Render Floating License with 10 Render nodes.

We have installed the RLM on a server PC which is connected over the network with our work-PC's (4 seats). Everything seems to work fine, when someone wants to use the license MW-render will find it. However Maxwell Studio and the MW plugin (3DsMax/Rhino) are sometimes not able to get a license.

Maybe we didn't understood it quiet right, but when we have 3DsMax active (or whatever plugin) on one of the work-PC's (which contains the plugin, but is not used) is then the license also locked by this "inactive" plugin?

Last edited by Hillmeister on Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By dariolanza
Hello Hillmester,

The 3DSMax plugin, when active, takes one Floating license, so while you are working on 3DSMax setting up scenes (using Fire, applying Maxwell materials, etc) it is taking your Floating license so you can not use at the same time the 3DSMax plugin or Studio on a different computer (this will appear unlicensed).

Instead you can launch renders in your main computer or in any other at the same time, as rendering takes one Rendernode license and you have 10 of it.

Disabling the 3DSMax plugin when you don't need it will release that Floating license is was taking, that will then be available to be use on another computer.

1 Floating license = 1 designer seat.

Let me know if this helps to clarify your question.


Dario Lanza
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By Hillmeister
Thank you Dario,

Your explanation is very clear. The question did indeed arise when we were able to launch Maxwell Render but not the studio. I didn't take into account that for Maxwell Render, a Render Node License was taken.

Thank you!

Hopefully we will expand soon :mrgreen:
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