Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
By jfrancis
Hervé wrote:It looks 100 miles better with clothes on... nudity does not bring anything other than.... well..

my0.2 wtevr

h/ :wink:
Should add even more clothes? A beekeeper suit, maybe?
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By Hervé
no but maybe some harlequin shoes... :D :wink:


ps, It's just that the one with Clothes makes your work getting more attention.... 8) It would have been fantastic if we were in the 1920 or even earlier, but in 2010, naked girls.... well.. toooo related to porn... unfortunately...
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By Half Life
I used to have an annual Nude show in my Gallery -- with 15-20 artists participating... I was always amazed at how simple (and mostly tasteful) nudity seems to cause otherwise normal people to have a suddenly strange attitude towards the gallery.

I remember several instances of people bringing their children in before realizing what was on display (even though I had a notice on the door)and quickly retreating -- I always felt sorry for them. However there was one lady who redeemed my faith in the human race. She came in and her son was having issues with the nudity, so she took the time to to explain that this is what all people looked like without their clothes on, and there was nothing weird about it. The 10 minute talk seemed to have done the kid some good because he started asking all kinds of really good questions and seemed to really mature in his attitudes quickly.

I also remember several women complaining that there weren't enough male nudes, and for some reason most of the artists I worked with avoided doing male nudes. So I just made a point of doing a few more men than women each year for my contribution. I always found it odd that the women who were in relationships would not purchase the male nude pieces they wanted because of their significant others reactions (even if he got a female nude). But generally my observation is that women are alot more open to nudes and art than men who seem to only filter it through their own sexuality.

I often wonder how some of the great works of art from history could be done with the prevailing attitudes about nudity...

Maybe I'm just strange but I was raised by hippies, so that would explain it.

I try to use humor -- but to be perfectly serious I have never had an issue with a single one of your pieces. I would have happily displayed them in my gallery and they very likely would have sold.

Last edited by Half Life on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By jfrancis
Hervé wrote: in 2010, naked girls.... well.. toooo related to porn... unfortunately...
Hervé, I'm among other things a fetish and erotic photographer, and while I don't shoot porn, I sure do shoot porn stars from time to time. Unless there is something in the license agreement that requires Maxwell to only be used for material suitable for children, I intend to incorporate it into my work, where it may find its way into this thread. If only anisotropic stereo knobs and proposed shopping centers are acceptable in this forum then I may as well know that my work is not welcome here now.

And as a Hollywood VFX Supervisor I've recommended and used the software in tests for feature films, some of which would be rated R and contain nudity, but if that's not in keeping with the software's image then I may as well know that now, too. What renderer did they use in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? Maybe I should move to that.
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By Hervé
hehe guys... you feel attacked... just don't please... :lol: I was just giving my opinion about this Art work, that's all, nothing more, nothing less..

I don't have problems at all with nudity nor porn... I lived in a loft space in L.A. for some time with my friend Sal, and we rented the loft for Porn movies.. it was fun.. I tell ya... I also worked as a photographer for my friend Patrick Kahn from the book of L.A. naked girls everywhere.. I was extra in some shooting with nudity myself.. haha.. so no worries..

Please do post Super Erotic art.. no prob..
(just maybe a Nudity ahead on the title, that's all..)

Have fun Francis ! :D :wink:
By jfrancis

A Maxwell Render simulation of a push pin portrait. I'm using these to illustrate an upcoming 'Instructables' tutorial for making real push pin portraits.


My recommended workflow for converting a photo to an array of push pins involves making a gif limited only to push pin plastic colors, then using that as a guide, so it's a fairly straightforward process that relies a lot on Photoshop.

Here's a sneak preview of part of the tutorial:
By jfrancis

Technique is fairly simple :)

Every pin shares a common shader and a common texture map. Each pin differs from its neighbor only in where it is in space, and where it is in UV space.

In other words: I planar project a coarsely blown-up low resolution 5-color gif across an array of pins.
By jfrancis
Fernando Tella wrote:A pixel per pin?

You could think of it that way, but I actually blew up the little 90 x 120 texture map to 1600% of its size using Photoshop Image > Image Size (Nearest Neighbor) option so that I get a big image with big square crisp 16 x 16 'pixels' to deal with. Easier to see and easier to prevent spillage onto more than one pin.

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