Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
Hi all,

Thought it was time I started my own gallery - Its not much at the moment but it will do until I get my other renders up to scratch :wink:

All models are drawn and rendered by me :)

Aug 14

Separation Vessel


Oct 12

Asus Motherboard Close Ups


July 12

Computer Desk Render


Nov 10

Audi R8 Alloy


July 10



July 09

Asus M2N-E Motherboard


March 09

Electric fires (More to come)


Dec 08

Pin Pad (Card Reader)



July 08

Light Saber


March 08

Logitech Speakers


HP Printer


March 07

CD Singles


May 07

Hair Dryer


iPod (Second generation)


Dec 06

Plug Mod

Last edited by Tea_Bag on Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:58 pm, edited 114 times in total.
User avatar
By jurX
Yes, nice Product Shots.
By abed-sabeh
Nice work Tea Bag, I like it.
I would change the camera angle to avoid the distortion on the metal sticker of starwars, hope you agree with me. :-)
Last edited by abed-sabeh on Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Bubbaloo
sabkarim wrote:Nice work Bubbaloo, I like it.
I would change the camera angle to avoid the distortion on the metal sticker of starwars, hope you agree with me. :-)
It's not mine! :wink: It's Tea Bag's.
By abed-sabeh
Ooooooops, I'm sorry, lots of tequila. :-)
User avatar
By Tea_Bag
@Bubbaloo - Thanks man! The Printer I like too! :wink:

@jurX - Thanks :D

@sabkarim - Are you sure that distortion isnt down to the tequila :lol: :P - Will sort that distortion as soon as I have some free time - Thanks for the comments sabkarim :)
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By m-Que
The hair dryer is VERY nice, except there're no cables inside; does it works on batteries? :lol:
User avatar
By def4d
Could you try the new SSS on the Hair dryer?
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By segnoprogetto
Very nice job and renders !
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