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Aniki wrote:Small Update on some Milk RND I am working on.

hope you enjoy it.

dude, did you just render a cum shot in mid air?

because that inspires me to post the renders of the latest character i've been working on....

it's called the unihornycorn. it has a penis as a horn, a scrotum as a body, and two legs with hooves to boot.

you think i'm joking, but i'm dead serious. except the unihornycorn shoots lead out of his peni.
Can you upload your semen mxm to the mxm-gallery, thanks in advance ;)

Oh I see Rusty beat me to the punchline.. oh well..

P.S. If you want to get milk, Toms mxm is good (just one caveat, desaturate the colour chips to speed it up)

heres a render;

Thanks, eric.

I think I used a slightly modded preset from the sss milk selection;)

Semen should need more variance in translucency and density, which needs custom textures I fear.
Something along the line of density or pressure magnitudes (vertex maps) of the realflow mesh could enhance the realism;)
Chocolate test with SSS
