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By deadalvs

is there such a thing around that compiles .mel scripts into fast cpp code? it's a shame how slow MEL performs...

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By Joss
You can always use Maya API.
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By deadalvs
umm, Joss...

how complicates is it to learn C++ and the API to be able to do «simple» scripting... how's the learning curve ?

i have both the books of david gould about mel and the c++/api, but programming c++ is like a holy grail...

what about python scripting ?? in maya 8.5 it's totally integrated, i think...

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By Joss
Question was asked before 8.5 were released ;)
Don't know about python. It should be faster, but anyway it's interpreted language.
By sacslacker
You can write slow C++ code too. Python seems a tad faster and for me it's more logical to write in. It can also be compiled but I haven't tried anything like that with Maya 8.5 yet.
By Robert Cervellione
do you think python will run faster then the same script in mel?

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