Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
Hi everybody,

with motivation and support by Stefan Laub, I wrote a tool to readjust
texture, ior and r2 paths inside MXMs. After some inhouse use, we decided
to release it to the public for free.

The tool is especially useful if you're working with MXMs from the MXMGallery,
the greatest place on this planet for high quality textures.

Every error in the app is mine and mine only, but I won't take responsibility
for any damage happending to you or your cat. Please keep in mind that
it probably will have its flaws. Messing with MXMs can destroy them, so
please work on copies!

Find more info and the downloads for OS X and Windows here:

It also integrates a small tool of mine to set the texture preview inside the
MXM, which allows better quality previews than the internal render.

Have fun!

By leoA4D
This looks great Kabe. Thanks for the time and effort and free plug in. Very generous.

By rdesign
Thank you Kabe! (and Stefan)! It works perfectly.

I just upgraded to a new MBP and was not looking forward to redoing all the MXM file paths for the new HD name. Now I won't have to - thank you!

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By KurtS
thanks a lot! I just fixed the texture paths to 140 materials! :)
Thanks a lot! Great to see this free but I think NL should buy this app from you, or at least have a lifetime free upgrade! This is a great time saver.
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By d7mcfc
I agree with JTB on this. You deserve a massive pat on the back from the mob in Madrid!

Many thanks for your efforts.
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By Fernando Tella
Thanks Kabe, but, apart from the preview thingy, isn't mxed doing it now? I mean, when it doesn't find the texture it opens a window where you can select the new location of textures; after that, you just save the material and that's it, right?
By samsam
fabulous! many thanks
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By Kabe
Fernando Tella wrote:...isn't mxed doing it now? I mean, when it doesn't find the texture it opens a window where you can select the new location of textures; after that, you just save the material and that's it, right?
Yes. It does. However, it'll cost you a bit of time to correct more than a few MXMs this way...
MXM Checker works on whole directory structures without any further interaction.

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By Hervé
Great tool !! thanks for sharing Kabe ! 8)
By jespi
Thanks Kabe, very useful.
Chocolate test with SSS
