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By ivox3
what up Leo .....

That's looks more like you need an oyster shell, ... what kind of bronze is that?
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By tom
It's more UV mapping than material itself. You'll basically need a handmade weight map for defining oxidized/clean parts.
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By Leonardo
tom wrote:It's more UV mapping than material itself. You'll basically need a handmade weight map for defining oxidized/clean parts.
yeah, that is what I though too. I was given a model (which I can't show you :( ) to render. The model was done in nurbs with no regards on texturing and I have it as already imported in Maxwell model :lol:

I used your copper material (I made it a little darker) but as you might imagine, the model came out too clean and perfect to look real :(
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By Maximus3D
This would be a pain to do by painting maps for oxidization distribution on large complex meshes like sculptures etc. I tried that X amount of times before, failed every time. I've however done this with another method, unfortunately using another engine but the results were quite accurate when it comes to oxide distribution across complex models.

Examples of what those tests look like can you see in my gallery (close to the end of the page there are two statues), check the link at the bottom of my post.

What you could try is to render out a AO map and use that as a base blend texture for how you will distribute the oxide, you might wanna postedit contrast and brightness of the AO map you output via any other standard renderer you got. And then you just pull off some layermagic trick and make it shine like that! :)

/ Max
Last edited by Maximus3D on Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By tom
Just like Max has pointed well, you can do similar maps with smoothing the mesh and exporting the difference as displacement maps or with similar methods...
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By Leonardo
"AO map " ?

BTW.. real nice gallery!
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By Maximus3D
Leo: A 'AO map' would be a Ambient Occlusion map, any renderer can output such things today and if your object has some sorta UV's then you can use any other standard renderer such as mental ray, final render, Vray or whatever to bake that AO map into a texture, and that greyscale map you get is the one you use to blend your layers together and distribute the oxide on your mesh.

Those examples you see in my gallery basically use the same principle, only difference is that it's called procedural dirt there and it's kinda "automatic". By automatic i mean that you don't have to go through all those steps i described above to achieve that look since it internally generates a AO map and use that as a form of dirtshader, and that dirtshader can you tweak if you know how to use the materialeditor (like i do) and then you can create such fancy materials such as the oxidized copper material you see on the statues in my gallery.

Since the basic technique is the same you can use a baked AO map to get the same look, with a bit more work and tweaking. :) it's not easy, i can tell you that much in advance.

Oh and thanks Leo :) i'm glad you like my humble little gallery.

/ Max
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By Leonardo
Maximus3D wrote:Leo: A 'AO map' would be a Ambient Occlusion map, any renderer can output such things today and if your object has some sorta UV's then you can use any other standard renderer such as mental ray, final render, Vray or whatever to bake that AO map into a texture, and that greyscale map you get is the one you use to blend your layers together and distribute the oxide on your mesh.

Those examples you see in my gallery basically use the same principle, only difference is that it's called procedural dirt there and it's kinda "automatic". By automatic i mean that you don't have to go through all those steps i described above to achieve that look since it internally generates a AO map and use that as a form of dirtshader, and that dirtshader can you tweak if you know how to use the materialeditor (like i do) and then you can create such fancy materials such as the oxidized copper material you see on the statues in my gallery.

Since the basic technique is the same you can use a baked AO map to get the same look, with a bit more work and tweaking. :) it's not easy, i can tell you that much in advance.

Oh and thanks Leo :) i'm glad you like my humble little gallery.

/ Max
Got it... I figured you were talking about the "Occlusion" map... I just forgot it was called "Ambient" Occlusion :lol:

is the AO working on maxwell... or not yet?
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By Leonardo
Bubbaloo wrote:Ambient occlusion is fakery used in biased renderers. Not needed in Maxwell, if you've set up your lights correctly.
it's a tool... and it's needed,

Hell, bump maps are fake.... perhaps we should all use pure harcore geometry from now on!

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By ivox3
News flash to both of you: " It's all fakery !" ....:lol:

Its not like your using Wonkavision and rendering out real things. :P
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By Maximus3D
Hehe, it's not about faking it or not. What i trying to say is you bake the AO map in any renderer that can do it, you can't bake those maps with Maxwell so you have to do it with something else.

What kinda model is it you're gonna use this type of material on Leo ? can you describe it even if you can't show it to us. If it's nurbs make sure you export it via Moi3D first as .obj and then you can work with that mesh much easier than if you have the raw nurbs data in Rhino or something or Rhino's .obj output which sucks. Just a tip! :)

/ Max
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By ivox3
It doesn't suck Max, ... the exporter that is ...

It creates what you tell it to ....and there's full control on the settings.

This object was a low poly object that began as a 3ds > Mesh to Nurb via Rhino > repaired/adjusted > exported as OBJ via Rhino > subidivided and reimported back into Rhino.

Moi's exporter is good general exporter, .. but I don't think it has the level of control available in Rhino.

Just clarifying ..... :roll:


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