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By Maximus3D
I'm wondering a bit how we're supposed to create a material which uses clipmapping and a higher ND than 1. I can't seem to get clipmapping to work very well if i set the ND value to anything higher. It looks like crap if i do.

For some types of surfaces it's necessary to boost the ND value but now even if i use multiple layers i still gotta keep them all at 1 for clipmapping to behave normally.

Is there a way around this ? sorry if this is a dumb question but i ran into a brickwall with this today.

/ Max
Bubbaloo wrote:You can use your clip map as a layer weight.
Yes, you can have a material with 2 layers... The first has your clipmap BW image as your weight map. Then you have your dif map, bump. etc... and use whatever ND you want.
Then you make another layer, a ghost layer with your clipmap as weight map but inverted... then Refl0=white, Refl90=white, transmitance-white, Attenuation=9999999 and roughness,bump=0

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