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By m-Que
Hello there,
I'm trying to create a material with 2 bump maps: For example brushed metal - one 'brushed' bump map and the second on - 'wavy', so that when the lights are reflected in it, I would get a sort-of-wavy reflections.
I tryed anisotropy, combining two bump maps into one, 2 layers, but didn't succed.
Any ideas?
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By m-Que
Good idea :lol:
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By Hervé
well make two bsdf... 50/50.. use a bump on each one.. :wink:
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By tom
Bump over bump is equal to superimposing your bumpmaps and using the final one as a single bump map. Well, it wouldn't produce a recursive perturbance effect for sure.
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By tom

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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