Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
By adri

I can't see a suggested way of installing downloaded materials. Is there a best way to organise them?

So far I've been splitting the file up and putting the mxm file into materials database/mxm files and the various jpegs etc into materials database/textures. Perhaps it might be better to just put the unzipped folder into 'materials database'

Anyone any idea?


I guess this is what most of us do... I have a "maxwellmats" and a "maxwelltex" folders. Of course it would be the same to have them all together in one place . What would be a big help is if there was the ability to automatically find the texture map.
This would happen something like that.
1. Look for the path saved in the MXM file.
2. If there is not available then look at the default texture path from the maxwell preferences file.
3. If not there, then look at the same dir with the MXM file.
If the map doesn't exist then there is a problem so show a message.
Finally, when saving, let the user know that the texture paths are updated.
I think this is the correct way. This has been mentioned as a wish too.
By adri

I'm trying to import materials into Archicad. This is already a time consuming business but I thought I would make a template and then use that for future projects....

However, the materials editor is proving to be a major pain in the backside. In order to make a downloaded material function I'm having to relocate every single .jpg, .png etc etc and browse through to the textures folder in the materials database folder etc etc.

Please tell me that someone has found a quicker way to remapping all of these paths...

I hope that this is one area that NL are working on for improvement!!! I want to be modelling not messing about reassigning paths!!!

Any suggestions welcome...



what about gpu maxwell q project?

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