All posts relating to Maxwell Render 1.x
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By Soth3d
Is there any solution to problem with perfect 'computer looking' edges? Something that will apply smoothing during rendering process like plugins F-Edge or EdgeSmoother.

The problem was mentioned 4 years ago in this post:
bewick wrote:I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a greater interest in this particular feature. For all the photorealism Maxwell is able to achieve, I think the "geometric sharpness" of many otherwize realistic models in the gallery is such a giveaway.

If possible one can bevel the geometry manually, but sometimes the models are just too complex for that. And if you're working with CAD-models from an external source, then it is likely you are totally out of luck in this regard.

Here's an example from a project I'm involved in. I had to abandon Maxwell due to the fact that I wasn't able to use the plugin F-edge. I think the model looks relatively dull and flat in Maxwell without f-edge - plus it loses some of it's definition.


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By JorisMX
maxwell handles hipoly scenes pretty well and normally doesn't show any weaknesses compared to mediumpoly.
Atleast this way the case from my experience
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