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By Ernesto
The Glass Material as defined in the Material Wizard has reflectance Black instead of White.
In the same way if you create a tinted glass using the wizard, the reflections will have the complementary colour. This is not right, since the reflections have nothing to do with the transmitance in a glass materials.
Reflections and refractions happens in diferent places.
Reflected light bounces the glass panel, before reaching the tinted volume.
All simple glass should produce white reflections no matter how tinted is the glass body.
This does not means that some special real glass, could produce colour reflections, but this is another matter, and in those cases the reflections may have a colour that is not the complement of the transparency colour.
For instance a green glass can have blue reflections.
In my opinion the wizard tries to act as the other materials that are not glass, but in this specific case it is wrong.

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