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plug-in suggestion: project settings vs. view settings

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:56 am
by Gary
Hello Juan and Pavol,

While it is nice that most of Maxwell's setting are centralized under Display/Maxwell Render, perhaps it is not the most functional and integrated solution. Here is why I think it could be improved.

Currently, all the maxwell settings are set as project settings under the Display/Maxwell Render menu. I would suggest that many of the settings are really view specific and thus should be tied to the custom views created under the views palette. The current workflow forces me to make setting changes any time I have views that do not have identical settings.

For instance, if I have 5 views I am going to render, only the image size information is collected from the view parameters dialog. All of the following information, which is view specific, is collected from the Display/Maxwell Render tabs:

1. IMG, MXS & MXI name and location. Any time I have more than one view I must change these or potentially overwrite them with a different view's data.

2. All settings under the Environment tab. These settings may vary by view for day and night shots, interior and exterior shots etc. In the current implementation they must be the same for all cameras, or be adjusted each time a different camera is selected (cumbersome and not elegant).

3. All settings under Camera tab. Same as #2 above, these settings may vary by view for day and night shots, interior and exterior shots etc. In the current implementation they must be the same for all cameras, or be adjusted each time a different camera is selected.

I do know that if you create "scenes" in Form-Z, a lot of this information is saved with the individual scene, achieving some of what I am suggesting, but I find this to be confusing, as I can not choose a view and then verify or set all of my relevant Maxwell settings for that view.

So, the main suggestion is to be able to save a lot more view specific information with each Form-z view than is currently allowable. Whether this is best achieved through the views palette or the Display menu is up for debate.

