By desclarke
Hi there Juan,
I'm getting the error " UVW channels (0) on object 647 copy 22 not enough for material 7".
I exported every layer individually and they were successful. But when I turn on all the layers I get this error.
I have made sure all my textures are RGB jpegs. I have found however that open wire objects cause errors when exporting. I also made sure textures are applied cubic or UV.
Is there a memory issue? The mxi file is 77mb.

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By juan
Hi Des,

It is because the material applied to the object 647 has one or more texture pointing to a texture channel that does not exist in the object.

For instance if this object only has a projector in the channel 0 and it has applied a material with textures in the channel 1, Maxwell does not know how to map this textures and you get the warning.


By desclarke
Thanks for the reply Juan,
I'm a bit confused why if a model is exported with say, 9 out of ten layers turned on in Formz, it exports fine. The other layer exports fine when on it's own, but when all layers are turned on, I get an error.

Without railing

Railing on it's own

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By juan
Hi des,

I am still thinking what is happening here.. So I understand you have created texture coordinates for object 647 copy 22 inside FormZ, havent you?
Which material have you applied to this objects? an old material or a custom mxm? Custom mxm are solid and new, old materials are converted to custom internally, so may be you are using an old material for this object and the conversion fails.

Please make this test: Export all the scene except this layer to an mxs file and open it in Studio. Then export only the layer and import it inside Studio with the main scene so it will be placed fine over the scene. Then press render and Mxcl will be launched. does it work now?

By desclarke
I tried that Juan, but crashes Maxwell Studio. Since then, I joined the railing to one object and re-applied the texture and, hey presto, it worked! Now I'm adding more layers (planting etc.) one by one to see if it'll export.

A few things I've noticed,
Exporting symbols doesn't always work.
Open wire objects (such as left over construction lines) cause problems.
Tiff textures don't work for me.

If I find anything else, I'll post it.


Des :)
By desclarke
Juan, I'm getting the hang of it now. Should have my first render soon. Thanks for your help. Printing out the manual was a big step!! :roll: :lol:
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