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By Steven Houtzager
Is it possible to do a "physical sky" rendering without enabling the sun? I remember being able to do this with Maxwell 1.6. It gave a soft bluish tint to the rendering and did not have a hard sun shadow. It also generated a bluish sky in the background. Now when I render it out it is all black.


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By Mihai
Yes you can disable the direct sunlight and still have illumination from the physical sky. If you see the sky black perhaps you are also rendering an alpha channel at the same time?
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By Steven Houtzager
Well I checked the alpha channel and it was not on. It seems it was just that file because another file would render out.

By the way, when I render out I get a lot of files .png files for opacity, bump, and color. I would like to not have these files at all as they clutter up the place. Anyway to do without them?

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By Steven Houtzager
This attached image was done in Maxwell 1.6.


With 1.7 I am unable to do this. I used a Physical sky without a sun. When I use the same settings I get an all black rendering. I am not using an alpha channel. It happened to this file as well as another file I was rendering.

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By Steven Houtzager
Hey Next Limit,

I have done some bare bones simple tests and I am unable to get the physical sky rendering without the sun. It is just black. In other words, I can't do the slick rendering above! :-S

I am using the latest formZ 6.6.1 and the latest Maxwell.


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By Mihai
Try opening the scene in Studio and check the Environment settings.
By the way, when I render out I get a lot of files .png files for opacity, bump, and color.
Not sure where that is coming from, Maxwell doesn't render out separate files for bump or color, just the render and any render channels you may have activated.
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By Steven Houtzager
I opened the file in Studio and found the environment settings. The setting was set to "None" instead of Physical Sky. I know that I set the Physical Sky ON in FormZ with the sun off.

Other FormZ + Maxwell users need to confirm this issue so we are sure its a bug.

SH :wink:
By pelias
I can confirm it is a bug - I am fixing it right away.
Chocolate test with SSS
