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Material thread with sub categories:

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:48 am
by andronikos916
Material thread with sub categories:

Emmiters (e.g lamp at 3560K or car lights or candle etc.)
Metals (Car paints or titanium etc.)
Plastics ( ...hmmm)
Glasses (frosted glass - etc.)

So we can share our mat. or talk about dif. walkarounds for solving problems..

For example right now there is no blured refractions at maxwell as fas as I know so we can achieve that with a bump...well not exactly but close....


Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:11 pm
by victor
You can use the Maxwell Render category in the's still empty.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:15 am
by andronikos916
thanx Victor...

cy! :D